Sun.Star Cebu

Tiny lights


Christmas shines like no other holiday and it is filled with symbols that can guide us throughout the year.

In the Philippine­s, especially in major cities, hotels, parks, restaurant­s, offices and houses glow with the symbols associated with Christmas and finished with merry strings of tiny lights.

There are several Christmas ornaments that bear symbols connected to the Savior: The holly or mistletoe, poinsettia, wreath, bell, evergreen tree, star, candy cane, bow and candle.

Three of these symbols are worth talking about. The first one is the bell. In the olden days, the bell brought back a lost sheep into the fold and safety. It can be said that the bell announces the coming Savior, who rescues man from the dangers of the world and brings man to the safety of Heaven.

The star, in this case the North star, represents the Star of Bethlehem that guided the wise men to the stable where Jesus was born. It represents the light that Christ brought to the world. He is Heaven’s light that Christians follow, the same way that the three wise men followed the North star.

The candle represents Jesus as Heaven’s Light that Christians need to see their way in this dark world. The light of Christ uncovers every evil in man’s life.

It is for this reason that of all the symbols of the season, it is the tiny lights and the star that I like the most. Not only does the light add warmth and gladness to the room, and the star act as a perfect crown for the tree, they represent the reason for Christmas.

After man fell and was driven out of Paradise, God promised a savior who would restore man’s relationsh­ip with the Father. Christ is the fulfilled promise of God and with his birth, heaven announced the joyous occasion through a bright star.

The heavenly light still shines today. As followers of Christ, we are really to shine like stars in the universe, according to St. Paul in Philippian­s 2:12. He urges us to work out (not work for) our salvation, which means making sure of what we believe and how we apply this belief in our daily lives. We have to have a living faith, a faith that can be seen by good works.

As followers of Christ, this light-infused life will reflect how we live especially when our spiritual leaders are not around to guide us back to the fold.

Christmas is Christ, and as his followers we can be his tiny lights, reflecting and doing what he teaches and helping others along the dark path of life.

There’s big room for parties and giftgiving, but the greater part of the room can be reserved for Christ, the reason for the season, and for making him the star of the show.


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