Sun.Star Cebu



December 13, 2016 (Tuesday) 3rd Week of Advent

1st Reading: Zep 3:1-2, 9-13

Woe to the rebellious, the defiled, the city that oppresses! She did not pay attention to the call nor accept the correction; she did not trust Yahweh; nor did she approach her God.

At that time, I will give truthful lips to the pagan nations, that all of them may call on the name of Yahweh, and serve him with the same zeal. From beyond the rivers of Ethiopia they will bring offerings to me.

On that day, you will no longer be ashamed of all your deeds, when you were unfaithful to me; I will have removed from your midst the conceited and arrogant; and my holy mountain will no longer be for you, a pretext for boasting.

I will leave within you a poor and meek people who seek refuge in God. The remnant of Israel will not act unjustly nor will they speak falsely, nor will deceitful words be found in their mouths. They will eat and rest, with none to threaten them.

Gospel: Mt 21:28-32

Jesus went on say, “What do you think of this? A man had two sons. He went to the first and said to him, ‘Son, go and work today in my vineyard.’ And the son answered, ‘I don’t want to.’ But later he thought better of it and went. Then the father went to his other son and said the same thing to him. This son replied, ‘I will go, sir,’ but he did not go.

Which of the two did what the father wanted?” They answered, “The first.” And Jesus said to them, “Truly, I say to you: the publicans and the prostitute­s are ahead of you on the way to the kingdom of heaven. For John came, to show you the way of goodness, and you did not believe him; but the publicans and the prostitute­s did. You were witnesses of this, but you neither repented nor believed him.


We all know people whose manners are brusque, whose speech is blunt and curt. When we first meet them, we have the impression of meeting ogres. But, if we get to know them better, we discover that their rough exterior hides a heart of gold. At any time we can ask them a favor, even a big favor, and these toughies will first rant and rave—then grant you your favor with royal prodigalit­y. Other people are the very opposite. They are all smiles and oily protests of friendship. But when you need them, they disappear in thin air. Which, of these two kinds of people, do we appreciate more?

In today’s gospel reading Jesus makes a similar comparison between, on the one hand, a grumbling son who first balks and shows bad manners but obeys his father and, on the other hand, a polite and well-mannered son who mouths his compliance but does not obey his father. This second son represents the scribes and the Pharisees who seem pious but reject John the Baptist, God’s prophet, whereas the first son represents the sinners who converted at John’s preaching.

What kind of son, what kind of daughter am I?

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