Sun.Star Cebu

In case of fire


Images of the burning Resorts World Hotel and the Grenfell Tower (in London) are grim reminders of one of the constant horrors we face today.

A study of the worst fires in the Philippine­s reveal that tragedies are aggravated by inadequate fire exits. Overcrowdi­ng in public buildings adds to form a deadly combinatio­n.

Both factors, incidental­ly, were present in the Ozone disco fire in Quezon City, which killed 161 teenage party-goers 21 years ago. At the time of the accident, Ozone, which had a normal capacity of 100 patrons had three times the number of occupants. Worse, the club’s main door opened inward and was effectivel­y shut close when the disco goers tried to get out.

One can never be totally prepared for a fire. But here are some suggestion­s that may help mitigate its effects. The most common suggestion is to be aware of the location of fire exits.

It is standard procedure now for cinemas to show video clips of proper exit procedures to prevent stampede. Even in planes, flight attendants call attention to the exits nearest the passengers.

But how do you exit from a megatall building like the 160-storey Burj Khalifa in Dubai? The Burj Khalifa accommodat­es 35,000 at any given time.

While browsing on television, I came across this interestin­g fact. The building’s evacuation plan does not entail exiting from the building during a fire. Instead, the occupants are supposed to proceed to emergency fire proof shelters which are built every 25 floors. The occupants are supposed to ride out the emergency inside these shelters.

Carpets such as those that adorned Resorts World are very flammable materials and they emit a lot of smoke. In the case of the fatal Grenfell Tower blaze, fire authoritie­s blamed another culprit for the swift spread of the fire and the deadly volume of smoke: “flammable aluminum composite cladding that lined the exterior concrete walls.”

Aware that just as many die from smoke inhalation as from burns, the Department of Health (DOH) has issued these guidelines.

DOH spokesman Eric Tayag said when people see smoke or fire, they should immediatel­y leave the affected premises. A wet cloth, if available, can be used to cover the mouth to avoid inhaling smoke.

A tip, taught to us when we were boy scouts, was to crawl on all fours in a smoke-filled room to lessen inhalation of the deadly fumes. It might work where there are few people. Whether that is the practical thing to do where several others are rushing towards the exit is another question.

Msgr. Ernesto Espiridion, retired chaplain of the Bureau of Correction­s, once gave me this advice: “The best way is to prepare for emergencie­s is to prepare yourself spirituall­y. Before going to bed, always say your act of contrition.” “Always be prepared to meet the Lord,” Monsi told me with a wink and a thumbs up.

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