Sun.Star Cebu




1 member of a military

medical corps 3 negative / not yes 4 commercial 6 assist / help 7 soft, silver-white metallic element, malleable at ordinary temperatur­e 9 small island 10 long narrative story

/ saga 12 expert / champion

/ pro 13 landed estate / man

sion 17 feline / ‘siamese twin’ 19 burglarize / take something without permission / sneak around 21 variety of fresh-water fish with elongated body and hard scales 22 lukewarm / indif

ferent 24 Emergency Room 26 letter in the Greek alphabet / any jumble or mixture 27 northeast 28 each 29 a medical condition resulting from excessive alcohol use over a long stretch and characteri­zed by sweating, trembling, anxiety and frightenin­g hallucinat­ions 30 railroad 31 arrears / money

owed to others /

dues / obligation­s 35 before 38 oriental, i. e., Filipino, Chinese, Japanese 42 collectibl­e / iou / de

served / entitlemen­t 43 ‘ the end’ 45 powdery remains of

burning / cinders 46 slave / vassal /

bondservan­t 48 inflexible / unmoving / definite / business; company 50 convened / intersecte­d / encountere­d 51 triply 52 (chem) iron 53 Electrical Engineer 54 not ever / no way / ‘don’t hold your breath’


1 combined device for modulation and demodulati­on (as between a computer and a telephone) 2 provide and serve food / indulge / minister 3 nothing 5 dunk / plunge / im

merse / submerge 6 muddled / confused /

mixed-up 8 likeable / winsome /

agreable 9 frozen water 11 small, brimless hat / beret / outdo a performanc­e / clinch 12 prepositio­n 14 (chem) silver / attor

ney general 15 sodium 16 completes ‘either’ 18 musical note 19 silver / tiny piece / cut into ribbons / whit 20 loans / accommo

dates / grants 22 coronet 23 large, low sofa without armrests and back 25 dampen or soak flax or hemp in water to separate the fibers from woody tissue 26 for each / by means

of / for every 32 editor 33 large motor coach to carry passengers along a regular

route 34 be abundant /

abound / overflow 35 printer’s measure 36 anent 37 ‘ for example’ 39 Indian women’s

apparel 40 doctrine / theory 41 expression of surprise, wonder, delight, disgust 43 frequently / again and again / recurrentl­y 44 later / ensuing / sub

sequently 47 referee 49 anger

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