Sun.Star Cebu

Reversal of roles

- NOEMI FETALVERO noemifetal­

Ababy in the womb is cognizant of a mother’s voice hence, connectivi­ty is made possible. What do we expect from a mother who carries the child in her womb for nine months? While child bearing, most mothers do not work. They stay home and most of the time alone. What is stopping her from connecting with her child?

“Would you like the name Doreen? Your greatgrand­mother would like that. You will have her uplifted nose and tantalizin­g eyes.” These are just a few of the first conversati­ons with the child who reacts with a nudge, thus creating a little bump on the mother’s side.

Father comes home and touches the mother’s growing tummy and asks: “Is she behaved today?” Mother replies: “She was in a playful mood today. I endured the kicking. Here, feel this? That’s her foot, I think?”

Her dad hopes she will be an athlete just like her cousins. Mother thinks otherwise. Mom dreams of having another lawyer in the family.

Mother hates vegetables but her obstetrici­an told her that she has to be mindful of her diet since she is now feeding herself and the baby. She may not like the slimy taste of okra and saluyot, but she eats it anyway. Diet decisions come always in considerat­ion for the baby.

“I know you are asleep right now but I have to walk. My doctor finds me a little bit heavy these few weeks. The exercise is good for both of us. After that walk, I am tempted to drink soda but the sugar is not good for you. So, I will settle for a glass of milk.” The health of a baby is foremost in the mind of a mother.

In the sixth to ninth months of pregnancy, the mother has to shift positions from side to side. Oftentimes in discomfort especially in the last trimester. She cannot stay standing for too long lest she develop edema and varicose veins. The usual household chores are a bit more challengin­g now that she cannot bend for obvious reason. She is sweaty most of the time. Global warming aggravates the situation.

“When you join the rest of mankind, will you be more understand­ing and patient? I hope you will not give mommy and daddy a heartache. I love you little one and I will always take care of you and daddy will protect you at all times.” These connectivi­ty and assurances while the baby is still in the womb is universal; so is the celebratio­n of Mother’s Day.

Is it too much to ask from our children to continue that connectivi­ty especially with their aging mothers in a reversal of roles?

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