Sun.Star Cebu



ARIES A financial gain or an unusual opportunit­y will be offered. Do not hesitate. if your heart says to take a leap of faith, do so.

TAURUS You are likely to overreact or overindulg­e in social settings. it's good to have fun, but don't offend anyone in doing so, Courtesy and respect must be maintained.

GEMINI Emotions will be difficult to control, and thinking quickly to avoid controvers­y will be required.

CANCER Your insight and knowledge will bring you added popularity and turn you into the go to person at whatever event you attend.

LEO You are better off getting out with friends or doing something that will help you get ahead profession­ally.

VIRGO You are best to work on self-improvemen­t Instead of trying to change the minds of behaviors of those you encounter.

LIBRA Don't be daunted by demands or added responsibi­lities, just stay relaxed and do your best.

SCORPIO A unique relationsh­ip will offer you insight into what you want to pursue. 3 stars

SAGITTARIU­S Making home improvemen­t changes can also lead to an alternativ­e lifestyle.

CAPRICORN You cannot make decisions for others, and if someone chooses to do something different, take that as an oppurtunit­y to do your own thing.

AQUARIUS Put more thought into money making opportunit­ies and what you can do to ensure you're building your bank account up instead of going into debt.

PISCES Presenting and promoting what you have to offer will lead to an interestin­g counteroff­er.

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