Sun.Star Cebu

Dialogue, fest, seminar set for Mandaue, Lapu


The Mandaue City Social Welfare Services will lead a conference among judges, prosecutor­s, policemen, social workers to discuss the right protocol in dealing with children involved in crimes.

In line with that, the city will also hold the “Fiesta sa Kabataan,” which gathers around 2,000 children of the poor, ages four to 10, to join the festivity on Saturday, Nov. 17, at the Mandaue City Sports Complex.

In another event, 300 students in Lapu-Lapu City attended a seminar under the city’s junior police program.

In Mandaue City, the Fiesta sa Kabataan festivity will be held the entire day of Saturday, and there will be educationa­l toys and activities, experience­s that these children are often deprived of. Food will also be served.

The Huni sa Kabataan, a singing and song-writing competitio­n on the theme of children, will also be held on the same day.

The week after, the “Dialogue with the 4 Pillars,” will also be held. It will allow institutio­ns involved in the apprehensi­on of child offenders and abused children, among others, to exchange notes on their practices.

The meeting also aims to come up with a common guide in managing these children.

In Lapu-Lapu City, around 300 public elementary and high school students attended a twoday “Junior Police” seminar organized by the Police Community Relations (PCR) of the Lapu-Lapu City Police (LLCPO).

PCR-LLCPO Chief Junnel Caadlawon said this is one way to improve the leadership skills of the youth and to give them an idea on what direction they can take when they become adults.

The students who attended the seminar, which started Wednesday, Nov. 14, will help ensure a safe and peaceful environmen­t in their schools.

This is the third edition of the seminar, which started last year.

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