Sun.Star Cebu

Pillars of joy


When children go caroling, “Joy to the World” is oftentimes, a part of their repertoire. Christmas is that time of the year when Jesus is reborn in our hearts. What a joyous moment! But what exactly constitute­s joy?

In “Book of Joy: Lasting Happiness in a Changing World,” we can deduce that joy isn’t simply a spontaneou­s emotion but an internal process of the mind and heart. Only in the Dalai Lama’s wisdom and goodness of heart that we get a better insight of what it takes to have a joyous world.

The book, written by Nobel Peace Prize awardee Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso, chronicles the conversati­on between the 14th Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu. Both Laureates believe that one has to have perspectiv­e. Our points of view in life is not about what people think about us but about what you think about something. Try not to be obstinate, even if you have your own opinion.

Humility, being the second pillar, explains meekness of heart that is rather difficult to attain in a world motivated by competitio­n. The book discussed the challenges of living a joyful life.

Humor is the third pillar of joy. When we can laugh at our own mistakes is that moment when richness in spirit makes us appreciate the amusing quality of others, not in mockery but on a very positive note.

My take on the fourth pillar is, we can try to reinvent who we really are but it is only when we learn to accept and say “Thy will

be done” is when we are able to acknowledg­e God as the ultimate author of our lives.

“Joy to the world, the Lord has come. Let Earth receive her King.” The second verse “Let every

heart prepare Him room” ushers us to the second half of the eight pillars which refers to the heart. Forgivenes­s is at the forefront in calling us to cease all kinds of ill feelings and unresolved discourse. Our Blessed Virgin Mary, in her “Magnificat,” taught us to be grateful. Gratefulne­ss is the sixth pillar. I often tell my son that going to Church on Sundays is not simply fulfilling an obligation but an opportunit­y to be grateful for the week that passed. Compassion, the seventh pillar, enjoins us to have a sympatheti­c heart. Sympathy can only be fully appreciate­d when coupled with generosity, the eighth pillar in achieving joy. The bounties of the Earth were meant for everyone to enjoy. We cannot scrimp in sharing the bountiful blessings.

This Christmas, experience the joy of giving back.

“… and heaven and nature sing;” and will continue to sing even if Christmas season is over. Merry Christmas!

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