Sun.Star Cebu

Baby who died from measles had high fever, rashes


Before dying of measles last Feb. 26, the five-month-old girl from Barangay Ibo, Lapu-Lapu City suffered from high fever and rashes.

Dixie Kate Senining was the sixth fatality of measles in Central Visayas, according to the Department of Health.

Senining’s parents noticed their daughter started coughing last Feb. 10.

The girl was brought to the Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center in Cebu City, where she was admitted after tests confirmed she had pneumonia and measles.

After a week of confinemen­t and medication, the girl was discharged from the hospital last Feb. 17.

Four days later, the girl’s fever came back and rashes spread throughout her body. Her parents brought her back to the hospital last Feb. 25, but the girl had difficulty breathing. She died the following day.

Ibo Barangay Captain Mary Jane Cahilog said Senining was the only child infected with measles in her village.

Cahilog deployed the barangay health workers (BHWs) to check other children infected with measles, but they found none.

She urged her constituen­ts to always clean their surroundin­gs, while the BHWs visited houses to persuade parents to vaccinate their children.

For her part, Mayor Paz Radaza said she will give financial assistance to the Senining family. /

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