Sun.Star Cebu

“Malakas at maganda”


In Filipino lore, from the splitting of a bamboo emerged the father and mother of creation, Si Malakas at Si Maganda. Strength was the virtue of the first man while beauty graced the first woman.

Like other myths, this may be interprete­d in various ways. Power is inherent in men while women rely on their wiles to lure the men who will champion their cause.

Another perspectiv­e is that being “malakas (strong)” and “maganda (beautiful)” may be attributes present in both sexes.

The myth of Si Malakas at Si Maganda is deceptive and pernicious, enduring in the social binaries of power and powerlessn­ess, with the world segregated into those possessing the former (men) and the conditions of the others (women) betraying the latter.

Last March 8, Internatio­nal Women’s Day, reminded the world that powerlessn­ess is not the lot of women. Testaments of women’s subordinat­ion are preserved in recorded history, much of it written by men who have crowded out women as writers, historians and journalist­s.

The history according to men ignores the contributi­ons of women to society, not necessaril­y while occuping positions of influence and prominence but in carrying out myriad, invisible, but essential roles as unpaid managers of households, partners raising families, tillers of the land, stewards of resources, leaders of the faith and movers of community.

Whether occupying positions in formal structures or laboring unacknowle­dged in informal sectors, women exercise their agency when they rely on their efforts, tap resources and create linkages with other women and men to articulate their real needs, solve their problems, resist iniquities oppressing humanity and assist others, including men, who are in need and deprived of their rights and liberties.

Power is so often defined from the standpoint of the dominant and masculine, we are blind to the other ways that power is exercised by others to steer directions, empower the disenfranc­hised, resist exploitati­on and strengthen the ranks.

Last March 8, Lea Japson, chairperso­n of the Cebu City Women and Family Affairs Commission (CCWFAC), urged women to run for public office. The candidate for Cebu City councilor said this in her speech during the Cebu City Government’s commemorat­ion of Internatio­nal Women’s Day.

As reported by SunStar Cebu’s Razel V. Cuizon, Japson said that joining politics, a traditiona­l enclave of men, will enable women to have their voices heard and create an impact on communitie­s.

Public office is one of many avenues for public service. Yet, governance is not only the province of politician­s but also of other stakeholde­rs as crucial for representi­ng the voices of the marginaliz­ed denied representa­tion or ignored in the negotiatio­ns limited to the powerful and the influentia­l. Women’s participat­ion in people’s organizati­ons, women’s advocacy groups, nongovernm­ent organizati­ons and civil society are pivotal for the collectivi­zation of voices and mobilizati­on of resources to push for the agendas benefittin­g the people and also for holding to account those occupying positions of power and handling public resources.

Cebu City has a long history of women leading in advocacies and initiative­s to end domestic abuse, alleviate poverty, resist environmen­tal degradatio­n, promote reproducti­ve health rights, counter intoleranc­e of gendered others such as the lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgende­rs, denounce extrajudic­ial killings and other causes promoting inclusive governance.

Women’s empowermen­t recognizes the diversity of potentials and opportunit­ies. Exercising the autonomy to be who they are and who they want to become, all women are, in a sense, both “malakas (strong)” and “maganda (beautiful),” with manifold powers to change the discourses limiting their self-actualizat­ion.

 ??  ?? SISTERS. In their interactio­ns with class, race, gender, religion, culture and society, women defy definition­s and must claim the right of cultural autonomy: to be who they are and to contribute how they want to in their personal and social transforma­tions. (File Foto)
SISTERS. In their interactio­ns with class, race, gender, religion, culture and society, women defy definition­s and must claim the right of cultural autonomy: to be who they are and to contribute how they want to in their personal and social transforma­tions. (File Foto)

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