Sun.Star Cebu



Fun fact: Act Happy Day has been observed every third Monday of March since 2004. While to act happy is the main purpose of today’s celebratio­n, why not be happy instead. There are a lot of things you can do to be happy, even on a busy Monday like today. Here are simple ways to show the happiest version of yourself.

Start your day with a smile.

I know it’s hard to put a smile on your face on a Monday morning. Mondays signal the beginning of another dreadful work week. But to wake up with the biggest smile means starting your morning right. I’m hopeful that your smile won’t wear off at the end of the day, simply because you started it great.

Break the fast. A satisfied stomach equals a happy human. We’ve learned since when we were kids that breakfast is ‘the most important meal of the day.’ There’s no excuse to skipping it, so make yourself the biggest breakfast you’d happily indulge in.

Wear something nice.

There’s nothing a good outfit can’t fix. Wear your most favorite or comfiest ensemble to work. I promise, you won’t dread going to work on a Monday as much.

Listen to your best-loved

playlist. Without a doubt, listening to music instantly makes us happy. Especially when your favorite song comes on and you can’t help but sing and dance along. There’s nothing like a good playlist to perk up your morning.

Laugh to your heart’s content.

Even when an officemate cracks the corniest joke in history, laugh it all out to release endorphins. A good laugh with friends releases feel-good brain chemicals that relieve stress.

Help a co-worker out.

Lending a helping hand makes us feel good about ourselves. In short, it makes us happy. So when a colleague asks for a little help, don’t hesitate to offer a hand.

Make time for your hobby.

I understand you’ve been putting off extracurri­cular activities because work is getting in the way. Make today an exception and offer time to get back to your hobby after work hours. If you’ve been meaning to join a yoga or dance class, go for it. It helps to get moving after a busy day at work, don’t you think?

Cave in to your cravings. A grueling day at work can suck all the energy out of you. There’s only one way to fuel you back to your happy state and that’s to satisfy your food cravings. In a way, think of this as a reward for yourself after battling hours and hours of work.

Play with your pet. Coming home to your pet is the happiest feeling in the world. Play with your furry friend once you arrive home because he’s just as excited to see you.

Cap off the day with a movie.

Now that you’re home under the comfiest sheets, it’s time to relax over movies or a series. It has been a long but happy day, and you deserve to treat yourself with your favorite film and show.

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