Sun.Star Cebu

Top facials to put your best face forward


When it comes to skin care, three of the most common challenges encountere­d by Cebuanos are pollution, sun exposure and aging. These three can cause a number of normal but not desirable effects on the skin, such as uneven skin tone, dryness, fine lines, pigmentati­on and rough skin texture.

In order to maintain skin health, the standard daily regimen recommende­d by the American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine is to cleanse, exfoliate, moisturize, supplement with vitamins (either topical or ingested) and applying sunblock.

If you feel your skin needs an additional boost, or if you have not been very stringent about your daily regimen, facial treatments may be in order. These three are the most popular in Bodyworx Medical Spa:

Vitamino Facial. Vitamin C continues to be considered a powerful anti-oxidant for overall health, including the skin. This helps even out the skin tone, shields skin from the impact of pollution and UV rays, and improves skin hydration for an extended period, not just right after the treatment.

Melawhite Facial. Don’t worry, this is not meant to unnaturall­y whiten the face. It brightens and refreshes the skin by removing superficia­l dark spots through gentle microexfol­iation. The treatment decongests pores for improved skin texture and plumper, more hydrated skin that is immediatel­y noticeable.

Premier Facials. These clinically proven treatments, like Oxygeneo Super Three-in-One facial and Silkpeel Elite facial, provide unparallel­ed skin nourishmen­t. Oxygeneo uses a combinatio­n of vitamins and Oxygeneo technology for a smoother, younger complexion. The Silkpeel facial incorporat­es hydroderma­brasion and dermal infusion technology to simultaneo­usly exfoliate, extract impurities and infuse specific serums more deeply into the skin.

Make sure to get facial treatments from responsibl­e practition­ers who will not just recommend any facial in order to get their sales up. If not done correctly, facials can cause inflammati­on, hyperpigme­ntation, scarring, or even scarier, permanent facial nerve damage.

For profession­al consultati­on and treatment, visit Bodyworx Medical Spa at the ground floor of Solinea Tower 1, Cardinal Rosales Ave., Cebu Business Park.

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