Sun.Star Davao

Life lessons to live by from Science fiction

- By Nikka Miguel

STAR WARS, StarTrek, Stargate, Doctor Who – these shows and films might seem an escape from reality to the future.

In theory, they teach audience, especially children about history and science through time traveling that has been incorporat­ed in most science fiction series.

I’m not used to stories about intergalac­tic wars, monsters, time traveling and even super heroes, but if I do, I’m truly, madly, deeply in love with the British long-running science fiction series, Doctor Who.

The program depicts the adventures of The Doctor – A Timelord, a humanoid alien who explores the universe with his time machine in a form of police box. He shares every adventure with an earthling.

Ever since my geeky friends introduced me to this wonderful world of Whoniverse (a fictional setting of the show), I pay attention closely from characters down to lines and try to live these by. Humanity: “Look around you! It’s not for killing, it’s bringing life. If you allow it, it can lift you out of these dark tunnels and into the bright, bright sunlight! No more fighting. No more killing.” - Tenth Doctor – The Doctor’s Daughter

Even though he’s in different kind, he’s a human by heart – compassion­ate, caring. He’s probably one of the cape-less heroes – saving more that six billion people on earth not just from disasters, but also from inequaliti­es.

Good things come to those who wait:

The perfect story to demonstrat­e this quote is the story of Amelia Pond (Karen Gillan). She waited for like 12 years before she came for an adventure through time and space. Her husband, Rory Williams (Arthur Darvill) is another character that experience­s really long wait for around 2,000 years before he got married.

Donna Noble (Catherine Tate) from the previous season, also invests her patience after making a wrong decision of declining Doctor’s offer – a chance to travel with him.

No one is unimportan­t – even yourself:

Rose Tyler (Billie Piper) was just an ordinary girl. Round and round the clock, she was only sitting there at work, eating fish and chips, sleep and repeat. Not until she met the Ninth Doctor (Christophe­r Eccleston) and all throughout the adventure, she had defended the earth.

Clara Oswald (Jenna Coleman) is another character who have impressed the Eleventh Doctor (Matt Smith) with what she has done. She offers the Akhaten with her “most important leaf in the human history” in the episode The Rings of Akhaten.

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