Sun.Star Davao

crossword puzzle


ACROSS 1 over again / once more 6 any climbing, twining stem 10 cab / to move slowly along the ground or on the water as before taking off or after landing 11 shortly / soon 12 weight 14 prods / urges into action 15 before noon 17 letter ‘R’ 18 anent 19 musical note 20 musical note 21 mysteries / one’s affairs kept to oneself / things hidden from the public 25 Spanish coins and monetary units 28 the act of reading 29 branched horns of any animal of the deer family 30 double agent / follow secretly 31 Social Security System 32 look over / scrutinize lightly 33 prepositio­n 34 foot-like structure in land vertebrate­s 37 disencumbe­r / be relieved of 40 gift / in attendance / hand over 43 having emerged above water as leaves of certain aquatic plants 47 begrudges / takes offense 48 splash / sprinkle 49 prepositio­n 50 prefix meaning ‘away from’; ‘off’ 52 Emergency Room 53 Chinese measure of distance 54 prepositio­n 55 liven up 56 spelling 57 blow one’s top / clamor 59 avails of 62 poker player’s stake 63 night sky twinkler DOWN 1 prepositio­n 2 salt / sodium 3 articulate / high speed; non-stop 4 to tap to get informatio­n secretly or underhande­dly 5 ‘__ _ _’ is where the heart is’ 6 clamps down; fasten securely / grows fat / thrives 7 persists / demands 8 not yes 9 printer’s measure 12 a stinging, often flesh-eating insect / ‘white Anglo-Saxon protestant 13 woody plant 15 at / from a distance 16 a body of matter of indefinite shape / the ordinary people / in the Catholic church, the liturgy 22 lines caused by folding / folds or wrinkles 23 symbol of the element ‘Ruthenium’ 24 cunning / crafty 25 dance step, especially in classic ballet 26 elevated railway 27 violent windy storm / tumult 34 a hanging jewel attached to a necklace; bracelet / medallion; locket 35 an understand­ing or agreement between or among nations 36 streets 37 a thing / object / matter 38 the moving force / driving motive 39 most expensive / most beloved 40 Swift Malayan boat with a sail and an outrigger 41 to let; lease / torn; ripped 42 Southeast 44 right 45 snakelike fish 46 fall in drops / trickling 51 give forth / send out 57 Egyptian sun god 58 prepositio­n 60 each 61 senior

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