Sun.Star Davao

Light, happiness, peace and courage

- Arnold Van Vugt

POPE John Paul II has said: “Because Jesus is the Light, we too become light when we proclaim him. This is the heart of the Christian mission to which each of us has been called through baptism and Confirmati­on. We are called to make the light of Christ shine brightly in the world”.

John 8:12 says: I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness. Loving Savior, my light is not so bright when it comes to proclaimin­g your presence. My heart is not so big when it comes to sharing with others. Light my way and enlarge my heart that I might share your light with others in all my thoughts, words, and deeds. I will try to be conscious of the needs of others today and offer the light of Christ by helping someone I might otherwise ignore.

Pope John Paul II has said again: “It is Jesus in fact that you seek when you dream of happiness. He is waiting for you when nothing else you find satisfies you. He is the beauty to which you are so attracted. .. It is Jesus who stirs in you the desire to do something great with your life”.

Matthew 6:33 says: Strive first for the kingdom of heaven and all that you need will be given to you.

Loving Savior, I do want to find true happiness. I do want to strive first for the kingdom of heaven. Strengthen me to trust that your grace is truly all that I need. Give me your gift of happiness. Today I will make a list of all the things that bring happiness to others.

Again, Pope John Paul II has said: “Peace will not come as the result of our own efforts, it is not something that the world can give. It is a gift from the Lord, and to receive it we have to prepare our hearts. When conflicts arise, peace can only come through a process of reconcilia­tion, and this requires both humility and generosity”.

John 20:21 says: Peace be with you. As God has sent me, so I send you.

Loving Savior, you send me out to restore peace: in my family, with my friends, and with my co-workers. But without your guidance I don’t know how to be a peacemaker. I am not very courageous when it comes to reconcilin­g with others. Please give me your gift of peace.

Today I want to take the first step in reconcilin­g with someone I have offended. I want o offer peace instead of anger and resentment.

Pope John Paul II has said also: “Believing in and loving God means a consistent life, lived wholly in the light of the Gospel. It means being committed to doing always what Jesus tells us. This is not easy to do, it often calls for great courage in going against the trends of fashion and the opinions of the world”.

I will try to have the courage today to proclaim that I am a follower of Christ through all my words and deeds. ***** For your comment email: Sun.Star CDO

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