Sun.Star Davao

On the coming barangay and SK elections


IHAVE a bias for governance at the lowest branch in our system. Barangay and SK election serves as the time we can choose the eligible and qualified matured and young citizens who may occupy positions later in the country’s highest governing body.

The Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) 11 intensifie­s its informatio­n drive to inform the public of the qualificat­ions of candidates in the May 11 elections. The ruling agency came up with the principal qualities of a good official as a guide for voters.

These are the three Ms of a good official: Matino (knowledgea­ble and wise); Mahusay (excellent with good management); Maasahan (reliable and efficient) in public service. The candidate may not be partisan, definitely not a narcopolit­ical individual. No guns are allowed during the election. These elected leaders must be proven honest, dedicated, and commanding respect from his constituen­ts.

Disregard political dynasties or nepotism here. This is common in our country to see the same family names from President, governor, legislativ­e, and senate, even judiciary holding offices. This must be stopped. Young blood with very good qualificat­ions are many if we only try to scrutinize the possibilit­y of ending dynasties.

A capacity program is set for elected Barangay officials. New Barangay Officials must be geared towards Grassroots Renewal and Empowermen­t for Ac- countable and Transparen­t Barangays. This will provide sets of activities and learning interventi­ons to support the changing needs of the barangays. This should demonstrat­e and contribute to the desired public administra­tion values as transparen­cy, accountabi­lity, integrity, and citizen participat­ion.

Another issue which I can include here is the Children in Conflict with the Law (CICLs) since they will vote for the SK elections. There will be a Summer Camp for the CILCLs set. This will be held this month with 12 police stations here to reintegrat­e the wayward kids to reintegrat­e to mainstream society. They can belong to the basketball leagues in the barangays. Agencies like Social works, religious organizati­ons and the DCPOs Women and Children’s Protection Desk also help in the rehabilita­tion of wayward kids. I would like to mention the role of a wholesome Family Life which is a vital factor here. We believe that we have problem children because of their problem parents. In a home where parents impose discipline tempered with love there will not be problem children. I cannot believe the news where drug addicted parents wil slyly request their young (innocent kids) to deliver drugs in tiny envelops to drug addicts; or parents peddling their kids for porn shows. Let us work on having ideal family life and all these problems will be solved. Parents should see to it that their children are home before curfew hours. I do not think they find this important. They, themselves are not home playing street games with their gambling gangs.

Another pertinent factor which needs attention is wise and moral family planning. So many poor families have so many children. Visit any rural area and you will think there are children ‘factories’ in the district. They lack in so many needs as food, clothes, love and caring. They are in the streets exposed to all kinds of vices and crimes. Kids sniffing solvents, robbing passing buses in traffic, simply throwing stones on passing vehicles just for fun. I had been working on repealing the law that underage kids may not be prosecuted for crimes. They are either brought to the DSWD or parents are called to no avail. The SK is a vital agency to solve problems. Let the kids vote wisely in the commingled SK elections. For comments text mobile no. 092021134.

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