Sun.Star Davao

DOF: Nothing to fear from Train 2


THE Department of Finance (DOF) allayed fears that the passage of the second tax reform package would harm the country’s investment climate.

The Tax Reform for Accelerati­on and Inclusion (Train) 2 seeks to rationaliz­e fiscal incentives and reduce corporate income tax rates gradually to no less than 25 percent from 30 percent.

The DOF submitted the proposal to the House of Representa­tives last Jan. 19.

Speaking before the Cebu business community yesterday at the Philippine Economic Briefing at Marco Polo Plaza Cebu, DOF Director Euvimil Nina Asuncion assured that the proposed legislatio­n is not meant to remove incentives but rather make it more responsive, relevant and effective.

“We are not taking away incentives but we are modernizin­g them so that we could have a better economic environmen­t that thrives,” said Asuncion.

The economic team of the Duterte administra­tion is proposing to modify tax incentives for companies to make these “performanc­ebased, targeted, timebound, and transparen­t.”

Under this tax reform package, the government would be able to ensure that incentives granted to businesses generate jobs, stimulate the economy in the countrysid­e and promote research and developmen­t; contain sunset provisions so that tax perks do not last forever; and are reported so the government can determine the magnitude of their costs and benefits to the economy.

Asuncion said it is about time that incentives enjoyed by big companies like income tax holidays and other perks with no time limit need to be corrected.

“While tax incentives are privileges granted by the government, it also has the authority to take them away if deemed necessary,” she said.

Tax incentives including special tax rates are costing the government over P300 billion annually in foregone revenues, according to the DOF.

At present, the law grants an attractive package of incentives, including income tax holiday for up to eight years, followed by a perpetual five percent tax on gross income earned, and zero value-added tax on local purchases and up to 30 percent of local sales, among others.

Stanley Go, president of the Mandaue Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MCCI), favors the adjustment in tax incentives, saying it would encourage companies to perform better.

“It is not totally eliminatin­g the incentives but rather putting some criteria to it. I agree that incentives should be time-bound to make it fair for other industries,” said Go.

He believes this proposal would not discourage foreign investors to come in, as incentives are just one of the many factors they consider in a destinatio­n.

He said other key things include the presence of support infrastruc­ture, the ease of doing business and the availabili­ty of talent pool equipped with the right skills set. “Incentives are a plus. It is nice to have them,” he said.

With the Duterte administra­tion embarking on various economic reforms, Cebu Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCCI) president Antonio Chiu said they want assurance all of these would work to make the country competitiv­e.

“The stand of the chamber is to really make sure of the competitiv­eness of the Philippine­s. We understand that they are some laws which are obsolete and disadvanta­geous, but some of them are necessary too to attract investors,” said Chiu.

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