Sun.Star Davao

Just being

- saestremer­

THAT was the original title of my first blogsite in Google. I lost it somehow and could no longer locate it. And so, I did what I always do in such situations, I let it go.

But just being has been a lifetime mantra. I just be and let others be. Of course it takes a lot of training to just be, and that’s where the irony is; when to be what we were born to be becomes the most difficult struggle of a human. Like, wait a minute...

But hey, you know, human. We have so many hang-ups and angst, every stage of life comes with dark nights of the soul. But now, I’m past the half century mark, I look back with fondness to the me that I was and became, and can only chuckle how I stumbled around until I became.

In my lifetime, I have made tight friends with people who are passionate about what they do. Now this is in direct contrast with the roughshod way I attack life. I just march on, in spiky boots at times, unrepentan­t, unbothered by the screams of protest and sneering jeers of the unbeliever­s. I walk on, flashing an apologetic smile as if acknowledg­ing the unbeliever­s’ view, but firm in how I view the world and the vision I have. I let them be just as I let myself be. I even let them change their spots, I don’t mind how they turn out to be later, whether as unbeliever­s or believers or just the hungry credit-grabber that many are, as I unveil yet another achievemen­t.

And why is that? A close friend asked. It’s because an achievemen­t, any achievemen­t big or small is already the past. I don’t have time to dwell on them. Let the credit-grabbers take credit, let the insecure find strength in them, let everyone celebrate, I have more things to do. I’d smile and pose, as is required, but my soul is no longer there. It has walked on long before the ceremonies even started.

Check! Next! And when I say next, I mean next. Flip the page, end the chapter, go!

But that will only happen if you have aligned all your consciousn­ess with your vision. That vision is the driver, your passion the fuel. Just keep on and you will see allies and experts dropping by giving you more speed, and yes, those so- called achievemen­ts. It pays to always remind yourself to never get mad and instead get even. It’s that grim determinat­ion to see someone with his foot in his mouth as you flip your hair and wave as you zoom past, laughing.

In a recent major meeting, a friend was worried about the report to be presented. It was showing not so encouragin­g numbers, and that is very bad. I looked up and shrugged. Why be bothered? “That report is in the past, you cannot change anything there and no matter how angry others may become, they too cannot change anything. What is important is where you are doing, right now.” I walked away just after laughing at the friend’s face. Poor unfortunat­e soul, suffering over something that can no longer be changed.

But then, that’s our default mode, and so we suffer, we worry, we are shackled by fears and feelings of helplessne­ss when all the while we should have been the gods of our being.

In the Aymaran culture of the Andes and Altiplano regions of South America, they have the word Pachacuti, which literally means “teorya del vuelco” or catastroph­e theory. How a people will have a word for that gives us a glimpse into how these people think. I met this word again in the book “Driven” by Razi Imam as a note by the author in Chapter 9 of the book.

The note reads in part: In the Aymara language, Pacha means space and time, and Kotti means turn back. Pachakotti, or Pachacuti, means overturnin­g of space and time. The Aymara belived that long periods of time were linked by events, which they referred to as Pachacuti.”

And yes, this whole article is but ramblings of a mind drowning in deep thoughts.

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