Sun.Star Davao

Do what makes you happy


IMISS my dyed hair. Yep. For friends and family, they know that when I say dyed hair, I do not mean dyeing my hair black or light brown or even mahogany! For half (sometimes more) a year, you would see me with DYED hair. Last year I started with silver then gray, pink, rosegold, teal, green and purple; blonde in between. Yes! That’s how I dye my hair. Those are my colors!

I really don’t know why but it makes me happy. People may raise their eyebrows and think I’ve gone mad but I don’t really care. It’s the same way with how I cut my hair. Of late, I have had the fondness for the apple cut. Okaay people would best envision it if I said the “bunot” (coconut husk) hairstyle. I love it! My mom secretly rolls her eyeballs when she sees it. Can you imagine a 47 year old woman with seaweed green “bunot” hair? Hilarious, but that’s me!

Don’t get me wrong. Sometimes I do become affected by what other people say just like everybody else. I get affected too, by the opinions of other people and sometimes give up what I want so I could make them happy and fit in. We are all guilty of that at one point (or more) in our lives. Society and significan­t people in our lives can carry a lot of clout in our lives! This does not only pertain to haircuts and hairstyle, but also the way we conduct ourselves and how we make decisions that can directly affect us.

Admit it. Sometimes the influence is so strong, we compromise. We put their satisfacti­on ahead of ours. We seek their approval. Of course there are some things we need to ‘sacrifice’ with good reason but heck, we do not need to sacrifice every single thing! That would be to denying who we really are and depriving ourselves of what makes us happy!

I believe this is where discontent breeds and grows. This is where regret finds impetus. It may well be that well where unhappines­s springs from and we know how unpleasant that feeling is!

Why not try to take pieces of you back a little each time you get the chance? Take that time off regardless of the fact that they think it’s the wrong time. Start that project you’ve always wanted to do but you’ve always put off for someone else’s. Take that class you’ve always wanted to take that everybody thinks is a waste of time (but not to you). Do it like I chose to dye my hair crazy colors, wear sneakers with dresses to work and paint even if I have never really had formal lessons. Because you want to and need to.

Just do it! For your sake. For your own satisfacti­on. For your happiness. Because you’re worth it and it is time to put yourself first! Happy Sunday Everyone! :)

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