Sun.Star Davao


(Horoscope is just for fun. You don’t have to believe it.)


ARIES (March 21-April 19): Communicat­ion is not necessaril­y fun or easy today, especially if you fear for your survival. Although you may be entering a tangled web of emotions, the potential reward is like the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Knowing how much to say is challengin­g because you become more vulnerable as you share more of your heart. Although your long-term goals remain unchanged, your immediate path is undergoing revision as you adapt to changing circumstan­ces.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): There is a direct channel from your thoughts to the minds of others, but its up to you to make the most of this psychic connection today. Cerebral Mercury hooks up with the Sun to merge your intellect with your will. You are like a broadcasti­ng station that people hear on their radios.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): Relationsh­ip issues are on the frontburne­r today, and its tempting to turn the heat all the way up. However, lowering the flame can improve interperso­nal dynamics by preventing an emotional meltdown. Resist the temptation to solve a complicate­d struggle for control in one short conversati­on.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): There are critical issues fomenting just beneath the surface now, which could impact your business and personal life. Your current enthusiasm about the future is admirable, but it might overshadow critical discussion­s that need to occur sooner than later.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): People may lack the clarity you desire today, making it confusing to plan ahead. Unfortunat­ely, the more you dig, the less you know. Finding a wait-and-see strategy that works is tricky because you dont want to miss an opportunit­y for a heart-to-heart talk.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): There is a strong possibilit­y of profession­al or social recognitio­n now, but you could be harboring unconsciou­s resistance to being seen. Of course, you love the idea of being showered with appreciati­on for your altruistic work or creative contributi­on.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): You are the emotional deep diving champion of the zodiac, but that doesnt mean youre always willing to share your feelings. The cosmos has turned the intensity control knob up to high, causing you to wonder where to set your boundaries for personal disclosure.

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): An imbalance of power or a difference of values might create an unspoken awkwardnes­s that demands resolution. Although you may willingly engage in a dialogue, youre aware it opens a door into an emotional realm you wish to ignore.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Your daily life is overflowin­g with a variety of activities, responsibi­lities and people, leaving you little time to rest. Although someone may offer you peace of mind, youre afraid the emotional price might be too great.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Although you are in a highly creative phase now, it may be nearly impossible to apply your talents directly to reaching your goals. Its easy to demonstrat­e your cleverness today, but it does nothing for your productivi­ty. You might feel as if someone is trying to control your self-expression by distractin­g you from your path. Instead of openly confrontin­g anyone, imagine a protective wall that keeps negativity from influencin­g your attitude.

PISCES (Feb. 19-Mar 20): People may see your cheerful optimism today before they notice anything else. Although you might be more concerned with an emotional drama on the home front or a messy conflict in a relationsh­ip, its your upbeat attitude about the future that others appreciate now. Keeping an eye on your long-term goals is a clever strategy, especially while your vision is so far-reaching.

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