Sun.Star Davao

On Comelec’s proclamati­on of the 12 winning senatoriab­les

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The Palace joins the Filipino people in congratula­ting the twelve (12) victorious candidates for Senator who have been entrusted with the mandate of legislatin­g new policies and programs as they commit to refine the current legal framework of the country.

The recently-concluded election, which shows all Filipinos qualified to vote trooping to the respective precincts or embassies, demonstrat­es the vibrancy of our democracy in this region’s first republic.

After a grueling battle, it is hoped that the protagonis­ts lay down their political swords, accept the will of the electorate and bow to the majesty of their sovereign voice, by giving their preferred choices a chance of leading the country towards progress.

We call on everyone in all sides of the political spectrum to have a moratorium in what appears to most of us as excessive politickin­g that has only caused more divisions amongst us.

Now that the political dust has settled with the proclamati­on of the winners, it is the perfect time for nation-building and for those who triumphed to focus on public service.

We have been magnanimou­s in victory, thanking those who were defeated in the polls for fighting a good battle. We should all join hands in undertakin­g measures and projects for the betterment of our country and people.

We express confidence that these newly-proclaimed senators will be fealty to their oath, loyal to the Constituti­on, obedient to the laws of the land. We are confident that the new Senators will do their best as legislator­s and enact laws which are not only conscienti­ous but beneficial to the welfare of the nation and its citizenry.

We remain confident that these new senators, as well as the other incumbent senators will join the President in his dedication of spurring inclusive and sustainabl­e socioecono­mic developmen­t, implementi­ng the nation’s most ambitious infrastruc­ture program, and creating a foundation for the establishm­ent of a society that will provide lasting peace for the Filipino people as well as give them comfortabl­e lives. Salvador S. Panelo

Chief Presidenti­al Legal Counsel & Presidenti­al Spokespers­on

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