Sun.Star Davao

Holy week reflection­s


THE first quarter of the year has been really rough. Saying that 2020 started on rocky roads could be the biggest understate­ment of the year.

We have not reached the first half of the year yet but nations are struggling to combat the coronaviru­s disease and the Internatio­nal Monetary Fund said the global economy is already in recession. Each time you open a news site or social media, there seems to be no end on the bad news.

The coronaviru­s disease 2019 (Covid-19) pandemic is definitely causing stress and anxiety to many of us as we worry about the uncertain times.

Usually, we enter the Holy Week with solemnity and some sort of festivity as some are excited to spend the long weekend. However, this year, we enter the Holy Week with somberness, worry, and fear.

Instead of spending hours on social media between Maundy Thursday and Easter Sunday, we can spend this time to reflect and listen to the word of the Lord. In times like this, when things are ironically peaceful and less busy, we can meditate on His word without distractio­ns.

Psalms 121:1-2 reads, “I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth.”

Because of so many things happening around us in the past weeks, we have been engulfed by worry and fear that many of us may have forgotten to look up to the Lord and seek his comfort and help. Let us spend the next four days calling on Him to help and protect the people who are at the front lines fighting the disease. Let us use this time to also pray for healing for those who were infected. Include in your prayers comfort for those who lost someone; provisions for those who are in need; and wisdom and strength for our leaders.

Let us also spend this time to give thanks to the Lord for the blessings that He has given to us in the past days. No matter the size of the blessing, give thanks.

It says on Phillipian­s 4:6, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplicati­on with thanksgivi­ng let your requests be made known to God.”

Counting our blessings day by day will allow us to see things at a more positive outlook. Though each person is facing life differentl­y, there is also something that we can be thankful for. Whether it is more time with the family, being able to eat, having a place to stay, or that you still wake up to see another day, there are a lot of things we can be thankful for.

We may not spend the long weekend at the beach or at a tourist destinatio­n this time around, but we can use this time to meditate in His word, seek His comfort, and give thanks for the blessings we continue to receive.

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