Sun.Star Davao

3 out of 10 college students hesitant with learning in ‘ new normal’


A SURVEY by the University of Mindanao- Institute of Popular Opinion ( UM- IPO) showed that three out of 10 college students are “generally hesitant” to the “new normal” learning setup.

According to UM- IPO’s online survey, which was conducted from September 26 to October 6, 34.4- percent of college students who responded said they are generally hesitant of using technologi­es in the conduct of the study.

Meanwhile, almost 38.3- percent responded that they are neutral, or simply cannot tell whether they are at ease with technology or otherwise, while about 27.2- percent said they are fine in terms of technology use.

UM- IPO tapped 1,171 college students currently enrolled students in any higher educationa­l institutio­ns ( HEIs) in Davao City, and all are using or required to use learning platforms in their studies.

The survey aimed to assess their readiness, attitudes, behavior, perception of usefulness, ease of use and acceptabil­ity of online learning.

UM- IPO said the survey was done online since physical contact was not allowed during the time of conduct of the study. The survey team said they relied heavily on online surveys of Facebook users who are college students and are enrolled in any higher education institutio­n in Davao City who matched the predetermi­ned criteria within the defined geographic­al radius.

Six questions were asked to cover basic questions such as readiness in using technologi­es in online learning, accessibil­ity of online learning platforms used, ease of its use, perceived productivi­ty in learning, and usefulness of learning platforms in daily learning.

Meanwhile, when asked about accessibil­ity of their learning management systems ( LMS), nearly 45- percent responded that they can access their learning platforms regularly, if not most of the time. While 32.6- percent responded neutrally, while 22.4- percent said they encountere­d difficulty in accessing their lessons via learning platforms.

Of the students who found ease of accessibil­ity of learning platforms, 47.25- percent have either agreed or strongly agreed that it was easy for them to use their learning platforms. Only a few of those who can access their platforms 4.36- percent said that they have difficulty in using LMS.

Respondent­s were also asked about the usefulness of learning platforms and their perception of their productivi­ty in learning in their respective higher education institutio­ns. These questions were asked because no physical face- to- face classes were allowed at the time of the survey in compliance with the directives of the IAFT and the City Government of Davao. ( Read full story on sunstar. com. ph/ davao) /

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