Sun.Star Pampanga

Devil On My Mind (Part 2)


THE Satanic Temple (TST) is an atheistic religion, meaning it neither believes in God nor an actual, literal Satan. Instead Satan is seen as “symbolic of the Eternal Rebel in opposition to arbitrary authority, forever defending personal sovereignt­y even in the face of insurmount­able odds.

Satan is an icon for the unbowed will of the unsilenced inquirer… the heretic who questions sacred laws and rejects all tyrannical imposition­s.”

Satanists, as envisioned by TST, are those who “embrace rational inquiry” and who reject superstiti­ons and supernatur­alism. They “actively work to hone critical thinking and exercise reasonable agnosticis­m in all things, believing that one’s views must ultimately conform to the best scientific understand­ing of the world, and never the reverse.” In other words, belief must follow science.

TST is not to be confused with the original Church of Satan founded by Anton Lavey in 1966, though its ideologies clearly evolved from it. Both are atheistic in nature but Laveyan Satanists still believe in magic or some sort of supernatur­alism, claiming that it is still an undiscover­ed facet of reality.

It also rejects the authoritar­ianism found in other Satanist sects (yep, as with any other religion, there are several of those too) as well as the obsession they have in being the “one, true Church of Satan.”

TST is quite open to working with other groups, Satanists or otherwise. TST is quite active in the socio-political arena. In 2014, it started a fundraisin­g campaign for a statue of Baphomet (the goat-headed demon) to be placed at the Oklahoma State Capitol. This was in response to a congressma­n’s donation of a sculpture of the Ten Commandmen­ts at the same place.

The logic was that if the state allowed one religious monument, then it should likewise allow other religious monuments to be similarly placed. Otherwise, it would be violating the religious non-establishm­ent clause in the US Constituti­on (also found in the Philippine Constituti­on) which prohibited favoring one religion over another.

The plan did not push through though as the Ten Commandmen­ts monument was destroyed that same year, and thus TST had no more reason to put its own monument there - and it also felt it was inappropri­ate to do so. They finally installed the Baphomet statue at the Detroit chapter of The Satanic Temple.

Another interestin­g campaign of theirs is called After School Satan, which blatantly proclaims to “counter evangelism in schools.”

“It’s important that children be given an opportunit­y to realize that the evangelica­l materials now creeping into their schools are representa­tive of but one religious opinion amongst many. While the Good News Clubs focus on indoctrina­tion, instilling them with a fear of Hell and God’s wrath, After School Satan Clubs will focus on free inquiry and rationalis­m, the scientific basis for which we know what we know about the world around us. We prefer to give children an appreciati­on of the natural wonders surroundin­g them, not a fear of everlastin­g other-worldly horrors.” All this comes complete with their own religious literature, “The Satanic Children’s Big Book of Activities.”

TST cleverly used a legal decision that was first exploited by evangelist­ic Christian groups to argue that the government cannot prohibit their groups from operating after school hours,

nor can it discrimina­te against religious speech. Since TST is itself a religion, it could then also operate under the same legal framework as other religious groups.

When I introduced this topic last week, one of my readers found it interestin­g but objected to the group naming themselves The Satanic Temple. Doing so antagonize­s majority of the world’s population and may not really be appealing to many.

Personally, I find the idea amusing and appealing to a certain demographi­c. It has some shock value and because of its religious classifica­tion, it can certainly penetrate in some areas that other organizati­ons cannot. It has its own niche in the budding fields of agnostic-atheist groups.

While I don’t see myself joining them anytime soon, I wouldn’t mind having some of them over for dinner. Care to join us?

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