Sun.Star Pampanga




We are very much aware that the education in our new and improved generation is a lot different from the education in the past years that our ancestors acquired. In the past generation, the people were educated by means of receiving lectures from their parents, teachers in school, as well as getting life lessons from their community observatio­ns and experience­s. The early learners of our old society valued quality education, served common good and practiced students’faith in religion.

Early educators not only provided well-rounded education, quality learning and strong educationa­l program they also taught good moral values, strengthen­ed community connection­s and most importantl­y, they built the Kingdom of God on earth by means of integratin­g the academic knowledge of the learners into their religious beliefs.

The schools and universiti­es in the 21st century continued and enhanced the past educationa­l set-up and made it a lot better than the early times. Now, our educationa­l institutes were establishe­d and became popular because of providing well-rounded education and technology-based learning which is very much in demand nowadays.

At the end of this article, I believe that there’s one thing that we are all expecting and that is to fulfill the academic and religious needs of children. Lastly, we have a common ground which is to improve the capabiliti­es and potentials of the 21st century learners, like me in order for us to become better children of the future. — oOo— The author is SST III at Talang High School, Candaba, Pampanga

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