Sun.Star Pampanga




For coughs, plant substances for relief or cure: Ampalaya-juice extracted from the leaves, Black Pepper- decoction of fresh berries, Comfrey- infusion of leaves, Kamias- infusion of flowers, Malunggay- decoction of leaves, Mango- tea made out of mango leaves, Gumamela Flowers- infusion of flowers, Sampaguita- decoction of flowers and leaves, Lima-lima- decoction of bark. For colds, catarrh, sore throat, hoarseness of voice, asthma, hiccups, bronchitis: Ginger- chewing a piece of ginger, remedy for sore throat, hoarseness and loss of voice, Avocado- tea from avocado leaves, and as medicine for diseases of throat, Katuray- juice of the root, mixed with honey and used as an expectoran­t for colds and catarrh, Mustard- oil from seeds, remedy for soar throat, Malunggay- decoction of roots, boil the roots of malunggay in water and given as relief for asthma and hiccups, Eggplant- decoction of roots, given as relief for asthma, Papaya, leaves of papaya-the dried leaves of papaya when smoked like a cigarette is a relief for asthma, Carambola, balimbing… powdered seeds of balimbing remedy for asthma, catarrh and bronchitis, Oregano- infusion of leaves, the solution is strained and use immediatel­y and is drank like tea maybe flavoured with sugar or honey and given as remedy for asthma, Lagundi- fresh fruit, is used for catarrh.

For diarrhea: Atis- unripe fruit, Chico- decoction of bark , boil the bark in water , strain, cooled before using, Guava- decoction of root, bark and leaves, Guayabano- unripe fruit, Saluyot- dried leaves, Santol- decoction of root, Anonas- green fruits, Duhat- decoction of root and duhat, Tanglad- infusion of leaves, drank like tea, flavoured with sugar or honey. That’s all readers, herbs abound in our backyard.

— oOo— The author is Teacher III at Malino National High School

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