Sun.Star Pampanga



Education is very significan­t in our life. In this world we learn a lot of things through a lot of ways. Education prepares us to be equipped in handling day to day scenarios of our life. It is really a precious gift that no one can take away. A gift that’s when shared, it multiplies and creates a ripple effect.

Everybody deserves a quality education. Everybody means the rich and the poor. It is a commitment of every school and every educator to give a quality education to their students. In today’s generation, it is a challenge to educate well the 21st century learners. Students of today can surpassed the basic education and now thirst for more learning. Also they want to see a different view of learning especially that there is a change in yesterday’s generation compared today.

Acquisitio­n of knowledge is significan­t to every individual. It requires industry and perseveran­ce to feed the hungry mind. If one starts to acquire knowledge, and getting hooked at it, then, learning becomes continuous.

Continuous learning is a duty of every individual. Education never stops. Learning never stops. As time goes by, and change is a permanent thing, we continue to learn, we continue to live. So as we continue to live, we continue to educate, we continue to share and impart the knowledge that we have to those who want to learn.

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instructio­n. Proverbs 1:7 (NIV)

— oOo— The author is SST III at Justino Sevilla High School

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