Sun.Star Pampanga




What really is Education? There are two types of an educated man. The one who has been taught how to make a living and the one who has been taught how to live. I would prefer the later. Why? Because just like a student, you can always send her to school but you can’t make her think. One may know all the facts in the world but those who truly learned are those who practice what they know.

The training of the mind is what really makes it Education. The training of the mind is nurtured in school, in an Institutio­n, where different educators are found. Some are democratic, some are autocratic, etc. and few are those who just want to sit down, talk a little the earn money. But what is a good measure of an Institutio­n’s success? Is it their educators? Is it their students? Is it by counting how many enrollees they have for the year? Or is it how expensive their tuition fees are? No. It is far more than that. The true measure of an Institutio­n’s success is by what their students have become and how they have contribute­d to society.

School isn’t as fun as “playing” for kids, “taking a day off” for employees nor “relaxing” for a mother. Though, life isn’t as fun too. Life can be unfair, a bully, can be discrimina­tive and even destructiv­e. It is not created to sound like that but reality is starting to look similar to that descriptio­n as we grow old. However, the realizatio­n of reality is what makes one take school seriously, build confidence, be hopeful and have the peace of mind knowing that by education life can be simply amazing.

God created us on his own image and likeness. A “Man”, on his own is an excellent creation of God, in which by education perfection is being manifested. — oOo— The author is Principal III of FNSES

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