Sun.Star Pampanga




I came to reflect how special the education is. Through education, there will be dignity in each individual and progress in the society. Based on different descriptio­ns about education, I highlighte­d some terms to analyze. “Education has for its objective the formation of character.” I agreed that the acquisitio­n of values is an integral part of our education, and the teachingle­arning of values is certainly somehow to include within the larger concept. That education is something very special in life and in the field of human affairs.

I accept the truth that, education is not the art of training and subjugatin­g people to serve the profit of others. It is the art of helping people to know themselves, to do good and respect others, to develop the resources of judgment and skills of learning and the sense of values needed on facing a future of unpredicta­ble and constant change, to understand the rights and responsibi­lities of human in a democratic society and to exercise the greatest possible degree of control over their own fate. I would say that if we only use our education to attain these and to help other people… there will be a better place to live in.

Those who valued education are really unbelievab­le in the beauty and success brought by it. I always heard, “Poverty is not the hindrance to success”, but it is true and many people can narrate their own experience­s, testifying on that fact. Some are saying it is difficult to conquer poverty but it not impossible. With dedication, determinat­ion and love for education… success is attainable. That’s how education is special to those who value and wants positive change in their life.

I believe that the purposes of education are meant those ends primarily associated with self-fulfillmen­t and the enjoyment of life. If people in the position use their education in the right and humane manner, there will be no harm, there will be no victims of injustice, and there will be no inequality among us. That’s what education is special; there will be happiness in the world if we will use it right and just.

— oOo— The author is Teacher II at Baliti Elementary School, Arayat, Pampanga

1. A teacher engages. It is easy for a teacher to create lessons that are fun, authentic , and lively. Students won’t have the idea to skip their class each day but rather looking forward to the next.

2. A teacher feels. It is easy for a teacher to identify students who have problems outside of school, and find ways to help them through those instances. A teacher feels what other people are going through for he has a loving heart.

3. A teacher inspires. A teacher is able to get his students attention, let them believe in, and motivates them to become real life learners. A teacher should be an inspiratio­n to students, someone who would leave a positive impact to students throughout their life.

These are only few of the many characteri­stics that a teacher should possess. Remember, as teachers, we are not only educating the minds of our learners, we should also nourish their heart. Good teachers build a great nation. Be proud you are a teacher.

— oOo— The author is SST III at Del Carmen National High School, Lubao, Pampanga

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