Sun.Star Pampanga




We have to admit, Math is the least favorite subject in school. Science is interestin­g to some, because they love animals, trees and mountains and oceans and deserts; nature and the diversity of life that has evolved on this Earth.

We can still capture the attention of students when it comes to math, however hard it may be. We can pique the interest of students by telling them that math is actually a tool of science.

The problem is that in the elementary level, math is taught one way: through algorithms or by solving equations step by step. Here, there was just one right way to get to the answer.

Those who are okay at memorizing the steps, will do well on math tests. But they will never really understand the concept of how math works or why certain steps lead to the answer, but some steps don’t.

This results to students who memorize for the test and then forgets the math. Because Math is not taught in context, students will never figure out how to apply it fully to science.

Students should truly understand how math works so they can apply it in the real world. Try integratin­g mathematic­al thinking and concepts with other subject areas. Teach math through solving problems in the context of real-world projects or problems and you will be surprised with the results. — oOo—

The author is Teacher II at Dau Elementary School

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