Sun.Star Pampanga




Culinary programs help students become young chefs learn and hone their trade. The programs, incorporat­ed in Technology and Livelihood Education or TLE, often require a high school diploma. Some high school classes benefit potential chefs in the areas of kitchen and food preparatio­n, the science of food sanitation and taste, and in opening and managing a restaurant.

Basic high school cooking classes teach students how to properly broil, grill and barbeque food, to avoid raw meats and about improper food preparatio­n. These cooking classes also focus on avoiding cross-contaminat­ion, handling vegetables and meats in the same kitchen and identifyin­g different tools and equipment in the kitchen. Each cooking class differs for each high school or school board.

Sciences classes, such as biology and chemistry, teach students what happens with germs and viruses in foods and the human body, such as the process of food poisoning and the effects of raw foods consumed by humans. Chemistry, such as molecular gastronomy, is frequently used in high-end chef dishes. Having experience working with chemicals allows the chef to be experiment­al.

Business administra­tion classes are helpful for students who are aspiring chefs, especially for those who wish to open their own restaurant or become a manager or supervisor for an establishe­d restaurant. High school business classes teach students how to make a budget, operate a business, manage employees and marketing the restaurant.

The initial TLE Cookery Course in high school is certainly essential as it is a stepping stone to the future and knowledge process of students.

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The author is Teacher I (Junior High School) at Diosdado Macapagal High School, Mexico, Pampanga

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