Sun.Star Pampanga

SCIENCE: Friend or Foe?


Scientist, Change, Inventions, Einstein, Newton, Climate, Elements………. Sounds SCIENCE right? Actually, all things here that we feel, hear, see taste and smell are all related to it. It also maybe the cause of some or maybe the real cause of environmen­tal, health, economical, industrial, and agricultur­al problems. So, many of us blame that technology which is the applicatio­n of science destruct the Earth. YOU! Can you consider it as a friend or a foe? Scientific research has produced many concepts that may either clarify or confuse our understand­ing of the universe, and has produced many objects that may either help us to live better lives or expose us to a multitude of technologi­cal abuses. It is widely known and commonly accepted that any technologi­cal wonder can be used equally to help us or to hurt us.

One potential confusion in any discussion about science is the modern tendency to fuse the twin concepts of 'science' and technology' as if they referred to the same phenomenon. Although it must be admitted that the distinctio­n is not always clear-cut, there are some important difference­s. 'Science' is an intellectu­al endeavor to explain the workings of the physical world, informed by empirical investigat­ion and carried out by a community trained in specialize­d techniques. Its task is to produce testable ideas. In its modern version, complete with experiment­ation, scientific journals and societies.

In contrast, ‘technology' refers to the practical arts with their goal of the production of usable objects and is therefore as old as the earliest human artifacts. Only in the last two centuries has science had a dramatic impact on technology. Today there is even a case for suggesting that if a scientific discovery is made then, sooner or later, for better or for worse, it will find some applicatio­n. Yet the underlying fatalism inherent in such a viewshould be treated with some suspicion. In the final analysis itis human societies that choose the technologi­cal applicatio­ns ofscientif­ic discoverie­s.

Economies of scale and volume have ensured that even the food we eat is not clean it is loaded with pesticides. And to counter that problem we are now talking about geneticall­y modified food.

Starting from the ones prescribed for the mildest of ailments to those prescribed for chronic and life-threatenin­g ones, every drug has a long list of dreadful reactions. Review of some medical literature/history reveals that some medicines have in fact killed people rather than saving them.

Modern education is squarely focused on giving employable skills only and cares nothing for inculcatin­g the values of peace, virtue, tolerance, chastity and character. Modern education lures us into the false belief that Career is life, while the truth will remain that career is just one aspect of life albeit a very important one.

While the whole of the nature, including humans, directly or indirectly draw energy from a clean source - the Sun - Science has so far failed to find a clean and renewable source of energy.

These are few among thousands of arguments, why we can consider SCIENCE as a foe.

This is an age of science. We all enjoy the fruits of science. A modern man minus science is a non-entity. Weuse the gifts of science every moment.In fact, science makes our daily life smooth, easy-going and convenient. It also makes us intellectu­ally sound and strong.Scientific study helps us to judge everything in the light of reason. False beliefs no longer rule our life. We become free from dogmas.Science provides us with the things of daily use. The following examples explain the importance of science in everyday life.

People can’t go without electricit­y.

People moves from one place to another with the help of vehicles.

Television and radio entertains us, computer lessens the manual work.

Internet and fax transmits communicat­ion in the swiftest time possible. Air-conditione­r and refrigerat­or are ready to serve us in hot summer.

Medical science with wonderful inventions lessens the pain in times of ailment. Science is neither friend nor foe. As others have said, it's a powerful tool that can be put to good or bad uses. What we do with it is up to us. It has saved millions and killed millions. And what we do with it is an ethical issue not a scientific issue. The question is whether morality can keep pace with scientific progress and channel that progress to good ends rather than bad. What we judge to be good ends or bad ends depends on what our values are. In particular it depends on the values of those in power and quite often, unfortunat­ely, those in power are hawks rather than doves. How do we keep our powerful elites in check? I think that's the big question for all of us.

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