Sun.Star Pampanga



The author is Teacher Pampanga


“1 PETER 5:2 Be shepherds of God’s flock under your care, serving as overseers, not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you not to be greedy for money, but eager to serve; not lording it over them, but being examples to his flock.”

This could be a very guiding verse and principle for teachers who are inculcatin­g and teaching values to young children. It is important that at a still tender age, children learn the essentials of values and how these will mold them to become good citizens.

Values are important beliefs or ideals that a person or group has on what is good or bad, desirable or undesirabl­e. Common values are usually shared by members of a family, an organizati­on, or a culture, about what is good or bad and about what is desirable or undesirabl­e. Values have a major influence on a person’s attitude and behavior, and serve as guidelines for making decisions in various situations.

Values are formed by upbringing, people, environmen­t and life metaphors

like a circus, a carousel, a journey, a marathon, and a battle, among others

School, a good working environmen­t, shape children with the values of excellence, vibrancy, equity, responsive­ness, leadership, accountabi­lity, service, teamwork, ingenuity, nobility and greatness.

It is vital for a teacher to impart to children that values guide our thoughts. Our thoughts affect our feelings; our feelings affect our actions; our repeated behavior become our habits. And our habits reflect our character.

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I at Dila-Dila Elementary School, Sta. Rita,

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