Sun.Star Pampanga




What would be the possible reason/s of a person to have a change of heart? It may be a career, a status, an attitude towards something or someone, or whatever it is that is transforme­d. A sudden or subtle move that eventually would lead to either a positive or negative effect. According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, paradigm is a model or pattern for something that may be copied; a theory or a group of ideas about how something should be done, made, or thought about. What struck me the most from the definition is the term pattern. To what I understand with this term, it is something that is done repeatedly, routinely. And shift is something that is being changed as to whatever is engaged to be changed depending totally on the person. Perhaps one who is bored with something who is doing routines on a daily basis tend to be fed up. That is what my brain cells are telling me. Considerin­g the observatio­ns I had with people whom I knew and worked closely with them had to make a life-changing decision, of course they have thought about the choice and are willing to embrace the consequenc­es of their action.

Personally, as an educator, waking up in the morning, do some household chores, preparing for school, teaching the students that includes the daily routine in the classroom, ending the day, waking up again, doing the same things over and over every day and significan­tly the rest of my teaching life. Is this good or bad? Well, I think it’s both. There will always be a paradigm shift in there and will definitely disintegra­te the so-called pattern of what we do every day. It’s a matter of accepting the fact that we will do this for the rest of our life but it’s better to be doing something that is worthwhile than doing nothing or doing things insignific­antly. The best thing in our routinely prepared world in education is that the daily circumstan­ces differ. What happened yesterday will be different from today. The teaching strategies we use vary every meeting and probably depending on the class we are in. This is paradigm shift in education. Doing unusual things that would make our learners seek for more knowledge and be motivated enough to attend our class day in and day out.

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The author is Teacher I at Pampanga High School

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