Sun.Star Pampanga




In a crab bucket, you will see that if one crab crawls upward, the other will pull him back down. Just like people, jealousy and envy control their hearts. When a person is in the limelight reaping laurels, a feeling of dissatisfa­ction starts to grow. Some obstruct others to rise up and express strong desire that those on top must suddenly fall. These acts manifested with envy and resentment are called crab mentality. Crab mentality is something that can be found in all segments of the society. Crab, just like a cancer is an evil that spreads and destroys life. Same with crab mentality it is highly destructiv­e.

Crab mentality intrude with progress but we can stop this if greed, hate, jealousy and envy will not enslave our reflection. If we do what is right, we will achieve success because life is like a garden that needs cultivatio­n. Let’s not compare ourselves with others nor be convinced that the only way to reach the top is by pulling others down. Every man is a building of his future. If we are not successful, let not jealousy encourage us to give up or quit. Life has its ups and downs, so let’s strive more. Crab mentality is like a hemlock that kills but its antidote is only four-letter word called LOVE. There’s this quote saying, “Pulling someone down will never help you reach the top.” So stop crab mentality, just be happy for what they are now and focus on yourself so that you can be successful like them, do not compete with others instead help one another to reach the top.

Here are the ways to counteract crab mentality:

1. If a colleague succeeds, be the first one to congratula­te him. Accept reality and be proud of him.

2. Love what you do. Celebrate your success. Don’t just show it. Live it.

3. Be optimistic. It will make you feel better and helps relieve st r ess.

4. Be fair to everyone. Consider other’s efforts for reaching the top. 5. Ask God to help you show an outgoing concern and love for ot her s.

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The author is Teacher II at San Vicente Pilot School for Philippine Craftsmen

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