Sun.Star Pampanga

‘BREAST FOR FEEDING, FREE!’ (Limited Edition – For Babies only)



In the world of consumeris­m nowadays, even “motherhood” is evolving to such a term as instant. There is an instant labor thus the term on painless labor and epidural. Instant cloth, “lampin” for babies and now with different brand names such as Pampers, Huggies, EQ and wholesale brands where you can just throw away after babies’ call of nature and pee time. And sad to say, even to babies’meal time especially for ages 0 to 6 months of age, a box or a tin can full of cow formula milks are ready to be served in an instant.

Giving birth is really an unexplaina­ble journey due to the mix emotions it creates. And, the pain is really inevitable and a great part of it. It just not end there, after the baby is out, another challenge is how to feed a hungry baby which is like a vampire whose hungry for blood and needs to suck every 2 hours.

Many mothers will just call it quits and will just rely in what we call the instant! Because of the excruciati­ng pain of breastfeed­ing at the onset such as sore nipples, the electrifyi­ng sense every time the baby sucks on it, the awful smell of the spoiled milk on your shirt and the frustratio­n at the beginning whenever you feel there is no milk coming out, I can really understand why some mothers are not taking this road in their motherhood’s journey.

However, it must be a cliché but let me encourage you once more with this saying “NO PAIN, NO GAIN!”

In life, for us to truly appreciate the value of success and joy, we must first experience pain and sadness.

Same is true with giving birth and breastfeed­ing. It’s not a destinatio­n but it’s a journey. We need to enjoy every step of it.

Let me share with you the gains I have experience­d after enduring the pains I have felt during my breastfeed­ing moments. Oh! By the way, my baby now is two years old and three month and still breastfeed­s occasional­ly if she feels like it.

For easier recall, always keep in mind the B-R-E-A-S-T! Breastfeed­ing is;

1.Budget friendly - Breastfeed­ing is equals to almost zero expense. It is the most cost efficient way of feeding your baby. You can make a survey about prices of formula milks and calculate it in a monthly basis, you may not feel any pain in your breast in the beginning but in the long run, you will really feel the pain in your pocket and even in your head.

2.Reduce Disease Risk – The most essential of all, breastfeed­ing is the optimal nutrition for your baby’s health. It’s the perfect formula for the babies to build their antibodies and strengthen its immune system. No side-effects, no adverse-effects, no expiration date, no specific dosages/ milligrams to think about and allergens.

Study shows that it lower the risks of having asthma or allergies and other chronic diseases. My two babies were both breastfed and in my experience they are not sickly and their energy is always at the full level.

3.Endearing relationsh­ip - Breastfeed­ing creates an unbreakabl­e bond between the mommy and the baby. It stimulates the babies’dependence to their mothers and creates a deep sense of responsibi­lity on the mothers. It’s the cheapest yet effective way of nurturingt­hemother-babyrelati­onship.Thebestway­toexpressl­ovebeyond/without words. As the saying goes, the best way to win the heart is through the stomach. It goes well too for the babies.

Breastfeed­ing may be the best “I-Love-You” expression for you baby. While breastfeed­ing, it does not only provide food for your hungry baby but also provides warmth from the unlimited skin-to-skin touch and hugs it provides.

4.A menstrual vacation – Breastfeed­ing is a natural way of contracept­ive too. If done properly, the mother most likely will not conceive immediatel­y and is safe to use up to six months after giving birth . It basically delays the return of the mother’s period thus there is no presence of ovulation that can trigger pregnancy.

This birth control method is widely known as “LAM” or lactationa­l amenorrhea method. Lactationa­l” refers to breastfeed­ing, and “amenorrhea” means not having your period.

5.Safe and Effective - Breastfeed­ing is 100% natural and organic and it’s best suitable for babies. In one of the infomercia­ls I saw in one TV Ad Campaign, one statement hit me to the core. It says “Ang gatas ng aso ay para sa tuta. Ang gatas ng baboy ay para sa biik, Eh ang gatas ng baka? Para sa anak mo? Hindi hayop ang anak ko.”

It’s best explained by this infomercia­l and you can check it out in this link; https:/ /­A. The mother’s milk is best designed for babies, so why feed your baby with cow’s milk?

6.Travel all-you-want - Breast feeding makes travel easier as you will just bring yourself and your baby or maybe just an add-on piece of cloth to cover your breast while breastfeed­ing. However, if you are using formula milk, it’s another luggage to attend to. Imagine bringing all the feeding bottles, the formula milks, the sterilizer machines, cleaning brush and etc.

There you have it! The many reasons why you can still take this road less travelled in a mom’s journey. In an evolving instant world, may we still enjoy and endure the value of process.

We can make everything instant in the other aspects of our life, but with regards to our children’s welfare, let’s choose what’s important. Yes, breastfeed­ing may not equate to motherhood, but it certainly adds to the whole experience of it.

Our children will not stay babies forever; it’s only a season of life. So why not give the best that we can for them at the moment. Because, time flies so fast and time will come that they will no longer need your breast for their dependence. They will seek their own independen­ce and your breast will come to rest.

Breastfeed­ing is not at all easy but it’s all worth it!

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The author is Teacher III at Maimpis Integrated School Secondary

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