Sun.Star Pampanga



The author is Teacher


Having it all doesn’t require owning it all. Take a look the things in your life, from the things in your life to the food you take. Are they your favorites?

President Rodrigo “Digong” Duterte exemplify the trie meaning of simplicity yet depicts the true value of being “Pinoy”. His character and style of good governance are being reflected from the food that he eats.

One of his favorites is the “Munggo”. According to the food historian named Dev Bautista, “munggo” is eaten during Fridays and this day is considered an abstinence day. It was actually during the inaugurati­on of Duterte when the dish was served even it fell on Thursday. Meanwhile, Engr. Ken Angeles, the owner of “yellow Fin” restaurant said- “Mahilig yan sa mamantika”. No wonder, that he loves eating “turon”, pandesal na may kesongputi”, durian tart and “maruya”. Not to be forgotten of course will be the “Hinalang”, also known as the Cara Beef Soup, matched with tapa flakes or the fried meat. A part of Digong’s comfort food is also the “grilled tuna belly.

If given the chance to be with the President, I know what food is to be served. There is no amount of money which can be match his simplicity, yet, Pinoy na Pinoy! undeniably simple!

— oOo—

II at Pampanga High School

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