Sun.Star Pampanga



The author is Teacher


Teachers are iconic. They are being looked up to by the majority and by other profession­al too.

But, have you ever imagined a class whose students are all teachers? What happens?

As observed by many, teachers are naturally talkative and teachers always prevent students from excessive talkativen­ess, haha. If the students are all teachers, how noisy the classroom would be?

Teachers are noticed to be inquisitiv­e. If students are all teachers, how wonderful the classroom discussion­s would be. There will be longer discussion­s and many questions are to be raised. Moreover, the exchange of ideas will be really informativ­e.

Teachers are empowered that they will always fight for their rights. If students are all teachers, everything will go on smoothly since they know the law and they know what to and what not to break.

Educators are God-fearing citizens. They alway evaluate and see both sides of a problem before they give solutions. If all students are teachers, the class would be a religious one.

Some people describe teachers as fashionist­as. They tend to be always looking neat and tidy, wears trendy comfy clothes partnered with convinient footwear, and of course, there is a collection of designer bags and umbrellas. If all students are teachers, expect a fashion show inside the classroom.

The public sees the teachers as super heroes. They always save the day. If all students are teachers, justice league is useless.

It is always good to be teacher, because aside from the many characters they play, teachers are molders of the future. What lies ahead of every country, is in the hands of the teachers. It will always be dependent with the students they will bring in the near future.

— oOo—

II at Pampanga High School

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