Sun.Star Pampanga




Patience is a virtue as what people usually say. And in one way or another, we have proven its truthfulne­ss. Anyone should have this virtue for this helps us to have a clearer understand­ing of all the people whom we converse with. It is not easy to be patient at all times. It’s because all of us, we do have our mood swings but we just have to know how to manage our mood swings or else it might affect our dealings with others.

As teachers, we should always be patient in dealing with our students. Patience is what all our students need. We should be very careful in dealing with them everyday. Be careful with the words we utter to them because others may get us wrong. Sometimes, they get offended already in what we say to them without we knowing it.

Be patient in teaching them for they all have different learning styles. We do not assume that they all have the same level of understand­ing or level of intelligen­ce. We do everything just to know where they can learn best and how we can help them learn in not so complicate­d way.

Where we can expect them to interact with us positively and meaningful­ly. If our students see how patient we are to them, then eventually they will start to participat­e already in the class it only takes patience especially to our students who are not that so good in terms of class participat­ion or not so good in the way they behave in the class.

But when these students have realized for themselves that they have something important task to do in the class, they will really prove to their teachers that they can also do what their classmates do.

The patience of teachers can be the key to discover more the potentials of students and thus, result into a better understand­ing our learners need in order to bring out the best in them.

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The author is Teacher III at Pampanga High School

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