Sun.Star Pampanga




Being a teacher takes to have a lot of requiremen­ts. Although as an eligible Education graduate is the pre-requisite in applying for a teaching job, the teacher-to-be needs to consider different aspects of her well-being because once hired there are various expectatio­ns that should be met.

Teacher’s main task is to facilitate learning. The success of the teaching and learning inside the classroom depends on her. Managing a class with several number of pupils is not an easy job. It takes a lot of patience in dealing with them.

There are times that pupils encounter some problems, worries and doubts in life as they grow and develop. Since teachers are considered as their second parents while inside the school, teachers act as guidance counsellor­s to these pupils who are having difficulti­es in times like these.

Teachers also act as nurses and doctors to apply first aid to pupils who encounter untoward accidents while inside the four corners of the classroom as well as to the school. Proper care is given to every child in case these chances.

Well, contests and other activities are held every school year. Preparatio­n and tutorials are conducted at the end of the class hours. Teachers provide extra time for these even sometimes sacrificin­g their rest days.

Being a teacher is not easy as 1-2-3. Dedication and patience is a must. A big, loving, caring and brave heart is needed by any individual to be of service to the Filipino school children.

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The author is Teacher III at Fulgencio Matias Elementary School, Sta. Ana District

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