Sun.Star Pampanga



Education builds a state. Every nation is supported by an education system to boost the state’s performanc­es, to produce dynamic and efficient human resource, and to utilize its maximum capability to serve the countrymen. Imagine a country with no proper education—there would be no doctors treating the sick, no architects and engineers planning the country’s infrastruc­tures, no government officials serving the people, and no teachers imparting knowledge to the nation.

However, education is not simple as how you read it. Educating is different with teaching. They have the same goal but different weight. But mind you, these two cannot be separated from one another. An individual can’t give education without teaching. Quite confusing, right?

Education is all about the transfer of knowledge and skills through efficient and thorough teachings, trainings, and other learning means. But, it is not just about giving lectures, written activities, assignment­s, and even tests that would require the students to exhaust themselves by studying until midnight, and after the activity, all learning are gone. Education is all about how the students would remember the knowledge s/he acquired for a very long time and how those lessons, concepts, and ideas could be applied in the real life.

Education builds a state. Every nation is supported by an education system to boost the state’s performanc­es, to produce dynamic and efficient human resource, and to utilize its maximum capability to serve the countrymen. Imagine a country with an optimized education—there would be full of dynamic citizens all the way up to a prosperous country.

--oOo-The author is Teacher III at Jose Escaler Memorial School

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