Sun.Star Pampanga


- PERVIE C. PEREZ --oOo-The author is Teacher III at Fausto Gonzales Sioco Memorial School, Deped Apalit District

Studying is a vital element in earning good ratings and performing well in school. It is, however, not synonymous to cramming, where you’d wait until the last day before an exam to learn everything has taught all year long. Chances are you will not be able to memorize and hold such a large amount of informatio­n in one day. Studying is an ongoing process, and not an instantane­ous, one-time event.

There are a few habits you could adopt to make it easier to learn and retain informatio­n. The list below is not comprehens­ive, but a few upright paces that could get you on your way to better studying. In doing homework, you’d be surprised by how many students do not complete their homework assignment­s.

We often complain about the amount of incomplete homework assignment­s of learners. You should keep in mind, homework is given to help reinforce what you have learned in class and don’t view it as demanding extra work, but as a way to study what you have been taught. Next is creating an outline of the subject topics and the key points you are taught in school gives you detailed study guide. Here, you’d have all the topics concise and shortened so it’s easy for you to identify what you have and have not covered. By the time exams come around, you will not have to search through all your past assignment­s.

From there, you can create flashcards. This is an “oldie, but goodie” study tool. Flashcards are a quick and portable way to study for any subject. You can literally take flashcards anywhere and study on the go.

It’s a great way to test yourself, especially when you don’t have others to study with. But if you do have, a study partner is good when you have someone who wants to study with you.

This person does not have to be in your class per se, but it would be good for them to have a level of knowledge of what you are studying. You could have your study partner test you on the subject using the flashcards and outline you created, all the answers will be in front of him/her. Group study are truly effective when everyone is on the same page and ready to study.

When everyone knows the duty at hand, it is easier to pinpoint the group goals and work together to ensure everyone learns what they need to by the end of your study session. Just as with a one study partner, a class study group can be effective when questions are asked by one person and answered by another.

Asking clarifying queries is another habit to practice. It is very easy for your instructor to teach something and it completely go over your head. But it is equally as easy to brush your lack of comprehens­ion to a topic under the rug.

Don’t feel out of place by asking your teacher questions to help you understand what s/he has taught. That’s exactly teachers are there for, to help you understand and learn a specific subject. Lastly, a place to study.

Everyone studies differentl­y, some individual­s like to have music or loud sounds around them because it allows them to focus, while others may like to be in complete silence as to not be distracted.

Identify however it is you learn best and create an atmosphere conducive for you.

Whether it is in a library, a study lounge, at your bedroom desk – whatever fits for you, make it your go-to location so that you are ready to “take cover” next time you want to study.

These few habits are helping tools in earning what every learner could ever wish for in their schooling days. And for the positive result of this will be off great gift to your parents and for yourself as well.

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