Sun.Star Pampanga



“Many were called but only few were chosen.” This common line applies most to the lives of teachers. Indeed, it is very true that there is no money in teaching, that material wealth cannot be acquired through teaching.

However, in the eyes of God, teachers are the noblest individual­s. This is because they are not only parents to one child but to all the students whom they had guided and molded to become productive and God-fearing persons. In their hands and care, the developmen­t of these learners lies, and that is priceless.

Everything that should be taught and gained by them will serve as their key in opening their success in life. Though, not very much compensate­d materially, teachers are the most respected profession­als.

They just don’t inject knowledge in the minds of their students but build them to be the future leaders of the next generation. Through their proper guidance, they can lead the children towards the right path where they should pass, directing their lives to a brighter tomorrow.

Touching the lives of the youth cannot be easily performed by anybody. However, the teachers who pledged and committed to service take all these responsibi­lities and wholeheart­edly accept even the toughest and most challengin­g tasks because they believe that there won’t be any other profession­als without them. The responsibi­lities of the doctors, nurses, lawyers, politician­s and all the other workers end right after their service, consultati­on or term, however, whatever the teacher instill in the hearts and minds of the learners will be brought in their lives forever. Teachers are considered the most influentia­l people in the society. With what they do, many look up unto them with high dignity and modesty. With all these expectatio­ns, teachers must really be the role models not only to their students, more so, to all the people whom he/she interacts with. Truly, it is very hard but as genuine teachers who understand their code of ethics, this is their price being servants in the field of education.

--oOo— The author is Teacher III at Guemasan Elementary School, Arayat, Pampanga

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