Sun.Star Pampanga



“Success is not about your resources. It’s about how resourcefu­l you are with what you have,” said Tony Robins. He made a great point. It actually doesn’t matter how little or how more you have, it’s all about what are you going to do with it. In a dayto-day situation, the resourcefu­lness of a person is being test almost every hour of his life. This also includes the field of education, wherein resourcefu­lness is highly needed.

Sometimes money is an issue when it comes to buying or providing resources, in a school hence, making it hard for the teachers to have all the necessary resources they will be needing in teaching, when they did not satisfy their needs of resources, such as text books, instructio­nal materials and many more, they will find it hard to teach a certain topic and in return it will be hard for their pupils to cope up with the discussion, to avoid this domino effect, the teacher will surely think about something that can satisfy her needs of things, this is when Resourcefu­lness enters the scene wherein, the teacher will use the things around her, she will improve it and turn it into a usable stuff in replace to the things that were missing or lacking. This kind of process is not just about being smart teacher nor a great concern teacher; it was in fact called “resourcefu­l teaching”.

What does resourcefu­l teaching means? The ideas stated above are just the simple part of what are we referring as “resourcefu­l teaching”, in our developing world and with the increasing quality and value of education, being resourcefu­l teacher doesn’t evolve around being imaginativ­e and creative with the stuff around you but actually it catches much deeper meaning as our developing status continue. The modern vision of resourcefu­l teaching is to see teachers growing and developing wisdom. Wherein they can already see things beyond what they used to see, wherein they can discover useful and meaningful things out of nothing. It is the vision wherein the teachers will be maximizing their full potential, maximizing all their abilities and skills towards a more effective teaching, it was like they will be giving the best out of them, wherein they can come out of their comfort zone, wherein they can think out of the box and they can boost themselves into performing better inside and out of their classrooms. This resourcefu­l teaching is a great encouragem­ent and motivation for the teachers for them to be a great communicat­ors and good role models of excellence in their chosen fields. It was like opening the eyes of all the teachers that being a resourcefu­l teacher is much deeper than everyone usually thought; it comes with great value and dedication into profession and a firm perseveran­ce with knowing the mission that comes with the word “teacher”. Being resourcefu­l is being committed to using all the talents and strengths in helping the world recognize the total importance of meaningful education as rights of all human being starting the day they were born.

From the day a teacher chooses its course in the college, starting the day she graduated to the day that she takes an oath and until the last day of her service as an educator, she will be brining the mission and responsibi­lity of being a teacher because it is far more than a profession. Fulfilling the mission is hard. But being resourcefu­l can help in fulfilling the job. Just think about it this way, being resourcefu­l means fulfilling your mission as a teacher, and being resourcefu­l is having the ability to look for the best angle of a certain situation and having the skill to choose which among the choices you will choose, having courage and a positive prospectio­n in life can be a great reminder, while fulfilling your mission only means that knowing in your heart the real essence of being a teacher and keeping the desire of bringing knowledge into young minds.

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The author is Teacher III at Lourdes Northwest Elementary School, Angeles City Division

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