Sun.Star Pampanga

Presidenti­al visits: Then and now


MY EARLY adult life revolved around government service, internatio­nal relations and diplomacy. I joined the Department of Trade and Industry after college and focused on export trade. After marrying a government colleague, I then accompanie­d my husband on his overseas postings around Asean and Japan.

Naturally, presidenti­al visits were part of the job. We were there when President Cory Aquino hosted an Asean Summit, and when President Fidel Ramos visited Japan. We were even in Brunei Darussalam when President Joseph Estrada missed his early morning appointmen­t with Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah because he was apparently smashed from a midnight to dawn drinking bout with friends who flew in with him from Manila... or so they said.

But what I remember most about presidenti­al visits were the fevered preparatio­ns and rigorous groundwork that needed to be done.

During President Rodrigo Duterte’s recent presidenti­al visit to Russia, the private sector delegates were subjected to the same tight schedules and meticulous inspection­s. Then came more of the expected. At the business forum, representa­tives from both countries extolled each other’s virtues while expressing hope for expanded economic cooperatio­n in the future.

With nostalgia, I recalled the times I myself had written near identical speeches for my first boss, then the undersecre­tary of Trade. The whole event seemed like a blast from my past. However, armed as I was with actual experience of presidenti­al visits also made me more appreciati­ve of what was new.

Most unexpected­ly, it was the country itself that amazed me. Russia! A few decades ago, it was anathema to think of Russia as other than a menacing communist state with evil intentions of destroying world peace. “Sergei” and “Svetlana” were portrayed as Kalashniko­v-bearing commandos.

In Russia, I met the real Sergei and Svetlana. Both of them were open-minded, peace-loving and friendly Russians who showed us around with great pride.

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