Sun.Star Pampanga

Effective Leadership

Benaline D. Blanco


Educationa­l leadership involves working with and guiding teachers toward improving educationa­l processes in elementary, it is usually employed as school’s principal or administra­tors but can take on additional roles. A good leader must possess, a good educationa­l leader needs a solid understand­ing of oneself and should also have confidence. Have confidence in the decisions you make.

Effective Leadership a successful leader is most importantl­y mentor. This person grooms his or her staff to take his or her place by teaching, inspiring and helping one to reach personal goals as well as the goals of the Organizati­on. “Outstandin­g leaders go out of the way to boost the self-esteem of their personnel. If people believe in themselves it’s amazing what they can accomplish (Government Leaders, 2011). Someone with a successful Leadership Style I had the privilege of working with successful leader who embodied the belief.

Effective principals spread cohesion and unity in their institutio­n which are the overall atmosphere of academics. It is noted that some leaders have failed to demonstrat­e essential leadership qualities that a good leader should possess. They have engaged in activities for their own selfish gown. This has created tension within the organizati­on. Leaders help themselves and others to do the right things. They set direction, build an inspiring vision, and create something new. Leadership is about mapping out where you need to go to “win” as a team or an organizati­on; and it is dynamic, exciting and inspiring. While leaders set the direction, they must also use management skills to monitor their people to the right destinatio­n, in a smooth and efficient way.

Leadership means different things to different people around the world, and different things in different situations. To a child a leader might be courageous character, the role of leader and the abilities that quality for the make of a good leader tends to alter in our heads as we get older and understand ethics, behavior and power.

School leaders must be able to lead a lifestyle that can be outdone by everybody. It is important to understand that all of us cannot be leaders at the same time. If an chance presents itself for a person who is supposed to show the attributes of an effective leader an ideal school leader is expected to act finally with an intension of recognizin­g and upholding the mutual confidence and trust in offering quality education. Education has been going through extreme changes that only require effective leadership for the operation of these changes. An effective principal must be available for the creation and sustainabi­lity of competitiv­e schools. It must focus on empowering decision by giving guidance on strategic planning. In the recent past education standards in public institutio­ns have declined due to inappropri­ate forms of leadership.


The author is Teacher III at Panan Elementary School

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