Sun.Star Pampanga

Always on the lookout for bullying

Aldin P. Haylo


BECAUSE bullying happens away from adult eyes, we must be always alert. This is one of our responsibi­lities as teachers.

While we must always be on the lookout for bullies, we must also be able to recognize the “victims”. These kids feel helpless and unworthy, and usually do not ask for help because of shame and fear. These children may not realize that they need help, so let us help them find their voice and one way or the other stand up to bullies.

Teachers can make a lot of difference by being aware of the words students use, and what students are saying. We must listen not only with our minds, but with our hearts.

Outside class, we do not hear the “hurtful” words being said by a child to another. While everything may look normal inside class, different things happen outside.

Because bullies do not know how to express or describe their feelings, they turn to bullying. They do not have tolerance and respect for other children. This kind of behavior may or may not have started at home, but he did, somewhere.

Bullies see other kids like different sizes, shapes, colors and dimensions – which is where discrimina­tion starts.

Bullying can also come in the form of language and behavior - spoken words like "retard" or "gay", or simply by making assumption­s about a student’s background.

It’s important for teachers to create a classroom community where diversity and difference­s are accepted.

Teachers should be open to the fact that people need different things to learn and to be successful, because we all come from different experience­s and have different strengths.

Teachers should also be aware of gender identity and sexuality issues. Teachers should be responsive to the needs of all students.

So when we see the problem in one or two of our students, let’s act accordingl­y. Let’s not just help shape their minds into learning and expressing themselves, but help them cope up with the surroundin­gs, and appreciate their peers.

The author is Teacher II at FVR Phase 2 Elementary School

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