Sun.Star Pampanga

How to make School Less Stressful for the Children

Arlene P. Lacbayan


To help your child cope with school, especially during the early stages when he or she is just beginning here are some suggestion­s that can ease the transition from the home environmen­t and make school less stressful from the start.

Make first day of school an important event. Going to school at an early age is the first major separation from the family. It marks the entrance into a new universe again share completely in this world, and therefore your greatest gift to your child at this time is your loving support and understand­ing. Make this day special and exciting.

Prepare your child for the new experience. Explain to your child what to expect by answering all questions honestly. Children need to know the number of days and the length of time they will be in school as well as how to get there and back. A child may be anxious and needs to know details in order to handle the stress involved. Working mothers and fathers should make certain that the child knows the arrangemen­t before and after school care.

Convey a positive attitude about school. If you as a parent show enthusiasm for what the school experience can mean, your child is more likely to look forward to it.

Make transporta­tion plans clear to your child. If he or she walks to school, walk the route together a few times before and after school starts. If there are other children from your neighborho­od who are the same age, see if they can walk together. If your child is going to school by vehicle, help him/her identify the vehicle.

Create a normal routine atmosphere at home the first few days at school. Don’t deny or avoid the uniqueness of the position of the situation, but do take an active interest in what your child tells about your school when he or she comes home. Be a good listener, allowing time to talk about school and the people there.

Praise your child for the good things he / she done. Remember, there is more to be gained from accenting the positive. A pat on the back for the right answer can go a long way. Too often, we tend to focus on poor performanc­e and behavior.


The author is Master Teacher I at San Luis Elementary School, San Luis


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