Sun.Star Pampanga


Kimberly S. Malang


Nowadays, learning a new language is not limited on memorizing flashcards or studying books. Books are taking a back seat. Since useful tools are seen everywhere in the Internet, this is the time where learners should take advantage of these. Technology is the best complement­ary tool for the teachers in teachingle­arning process. Experts, educators and learners use technology and find their way in communicat­ing through telephone, internet, email, television, video conference, and the like.

English language is known as the global language. It is the language of the Internet. Technology plays a great role since there are unlimited source of informatio­n in which a learner learns the language. To learn with online tools, learners need a smartphone or an internet connection. Blogs, YouTube videos, news, video tutorials, social networks, and different e-learning resources are seen everywhere on the net to expose him on the language. Just search for reliable sources. Verify and find at least three sites to make sure what you are searching is correct. In these platforms, learner may learn new vocabulari­es, improve grammar, practice pronunciat­ion perfectly, or the like.

They say that small progress is still a progress. It depends on the learner whether how much effort he would put in to learn the language fast. Input of the language is important, but applicatio­n is beneficial. Exposure and practice create more opportunit­ies and are the best ways to learn the language.


The author is Teacher I at Pampanga High School

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