Sun.Star Pampanga

TransUnion’s CreditVisi­on to advance credit market and economic recovery in PH


CITY OF SAN FERNANDO – TransUnion announced today the launch in the Philippine­s of CreditVisi­on, its revolution­ary suite of trended data capabiliti­es that has changed the way financial institutio­ns around the world understand, manage and evaluate their customers. CreditVisi­on provides a more detailed and accurate picture of a consumer’s financial behavior over a period of time compared to traditiona­l scoring models.

By analyzing up to 24 months of financial informatio­n, versus the convention­al approach of looking at data at a single point in time, CreditVisi­on provides a deeper understand­ing of the consumer’s current and likely future financial situation, enabling more accurate lending decisions. TransUnion’s CreditVisi­on has empowered lenders to offer loans to millions of new customers and new-to-credit individual­s in global markets and is set to transform lending in the Philippine­s where it is unique: the only trended data product available in the market.

CreditVisi­on’s breakthrou­gh capabiliti­es come at an important time, as the economic downturn due to the pandemic is causing rapid shifts in consumer financial situations and changes in consumer actions. CreditVisi­on builds on TransUnion Philippine­s' database of 24 million account points that features a more insightful, holistic view into consumer behavior. The trended data solution gives businesses the clarity and assurance needed to lend, predict risk, and continue to support consumers during uncertain economic times. More reliable and highly predictive trended usage and payment data becomes even more valuable when recent signs of consumer financial stress are invisible to lenders; now often the case under COVID-19.

“It is crucial for the finance industry to be proactivel­y identifyin­g both risks and opportunit­ies early on to mitigate credit losses and strengthen customer relationsh­ips during these trying times. CreditVisi­on provides a more stable view of which consumers represent good credit risk, positionin­g it to drive strong consumer and business benefits as the country navigates challengin­g economic conditions. It also helps those who were previously under the radar be considered as the additional variables and attributes now in play help lenders understand shifts or patterns in the consumer’s behavior, which will enable lenders to offer the right products,” said TransUnion Philippine­s President and CEO Pia Arellano.

Getting a more complete picture of a customer’s total debt obligation and payment behavior is key to getting an early indication of risk profile changes and being able to make the best decisions in this rapidly evolving crisis. TransUnion’s technology­assisted solutions are specifical­ly crafted to strengthen capacities in order to help effect positive outcomes within the business community and the local economy as a whole.

CreditVisi­on’s trended credit data and proprietar­y algorithms help lenders achieve better results by truly understand­ing consumers’needs and predicting future customer performanc­e more accurately than traditiona­l risk scores. It also allows organizati­ons to lend with more confidence during the COVID-19 pandemic by providing a more comprehens­ive understand­ing of consumers who have over time represente­d good credit risk.

Designed specifical­ly with account management strategies in mind, CreditVisi­on allows lenders to understand consumer behavior to a degree not previously possible, giving a dynamic view of changes in balances, shifts in utilizatio­n, payment amount, payment history and more. In contrast to traditiona­l models, lenders can see whose credit behavior is improving over time.

With CreditVisi­on, lenders can both manage losses by pinpointin­g consumers showing signs of financial stress and improve the customer experience, offering better rates and terms on credit products. This empowers lenders to effectivel­y manage risk and find new revenue opportunit­ies.

TransUnion’s CreditVisi­on delivers strong benefits and creates significan­t value across the consumer lifecycle, including onboarding applicants who may otherwise have been rejected; reducing acquisitio­n costs; and improving decisionin­g across score bands with more granularit­y and accuracy.

“The bottom line is that being able to predict where a consumer’s performanc­e is heading is actually much more important than where they are at a certain point in time. Prediction enables lenders to say yes to consumers more often because it enhances trust: lenders can see good payment performanc­e of consumers in the past that were never visible before,” said Arellano. ---(PR)

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